We went live with AdventureQuest 3D on Kickstarter at 10:00 AM EST last Friday. We are already closing in on the 50% mark! That. Is. AMAZING!
Back AdventureQuest 3D on Kickstarter
We're doing great but we will have a way to go. Remember: If we don't hit our goal then we don't get a single dollar.
We need EVERYONE'S help on this one. You're the most amazing and supportive community in gaming and we believe that we can do this with your help. If you can't afford to become a backer, then please just spread the word. Tell everyone you can on social media how excited you are about this game and give them a link to the Kickstarter.
With your help, we will reach our funding goal and really make this thing soar.
PAYMENT: We are sorry that Kickstarter takes such a limited range of payments but one clever player on Twitter went out and bought a PRE-PAID Visa card and used it to donate. You can find them almost everywhere in the USA and hopefully lots of other places outside the country.
Here we go. 41 days left. Battle ON!
Official link to AdventureQuest 3D on Kickstarter
Official Twitter of AQ3D
Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe