Breaking news! AdventureQuest 3D's Patch 1.0.3 just went live delivering PC Interface, Keybindings, Summon word fixes and more!
Zhoom: The Patch is live!
Oishii: How many floppies does it need?
Rolith: AQ3D would take up something like one hundred and thirty two 51/4th inch floppy disks.
Artix: ...
Rolith: Without downloaded assets.
Artix: O_O
Korin: Will it run on my 3dfx Voodoo2?
Artix: Haha, the computer in the picture above is the sort of thing I used when I was little. I want to travel in time back in time and show my younger-self that we made a game that looks better than anything from that era... and it runs seamlessly on PCs and phones.
Artix: Except... I would be stuck at the login screen. >_> There was no internet back then.
Artix: But then my younger self would challenge me to a duel.. because I always dreamed of getting to fight an older version of myself to see if my martial arts skills improved or got worse.
Artix: was pretty much the first thing I thought of every time I thought about time travel.
Artix: Younger me would be a little faster, kick higher, and have a lot more stamina. But his only black belts would be in Tae Kwon Do... and since they did not let you punch to the face, he will not learn a proper face-guarding fighting stance until years later when he starts in Muay Thai and Krav Maga. Which means I would KO my younger self pretty fast. It would be nice if I learned that earlier in life. I wonder how we would do in a sword fight...
Oishii: ARTIX!!
Artix: Right... THE PC INTERFACE!
"Game developer's that listen? WHAT!?"
Steadily and methodically we have been slashing our way through your most requested features. Today's new releaseis going to make a lot of STEAM (PC/Mac) Players happy.
PC INTERFACE (Version 1)
We are on a good path and methodically making progress. If you have been reading the design notes, you already know what is coming next. You... know O_O. It is being built as you read this.
P.S. I posted a video of proofing our upcoming 2017 Calendar before it goes to the printer.
P.P.S. Oooh! On a happy side note... today is my 3rd anniversary :D *looks at clock* Maybe I should go home before 9pm tonight. And Flowers. Maybe more swords.
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