Do you want to be the first to see new stuff and help us test every map, monster, & feature on a secret testing server? We have opened up the Public Test Realm.
You can sideload this .APK file on your Android Device to access the testing server.
WARNING! *ONLY* download the AdventureQuest 3D PTR .apk file from our official website. DO NOT download AdventureQuest 3D files from other sites-- because you have no idea what they did to the file (add viruses, spyware, steal your account info, or get your account banned.)
Download the AdventureQuest 3D PTR .APK
*You can switch back to live version by installing the app from play store.*
It is pretty easy. I added a lot of pictures to show you how can you switch back and forth on steam.
1. Open Steam
2. Right click on AdventureQuest 3D and choose Properties
3. Select the BETAS tab
4. Congratulations! You now have access to the PTR
5. Switch to it by choosing publictest - PTR from the drop down
6. ALWAYS Clear Cache after switching to or from the PTR and Live Versions
7. Report Bugs! (Did you know there was a report bug option in the main menu?
You can switch back and forth between the LIVE version and the PTR at any time using the drop down. (This is what we do for testing too!) Please, please, please, report any bugs you find.
Battle on!
Official Twitter of AQ3D
Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe