AQ3D Moderator Call (Closed)

Alina | Thursday, March 16, 2023

Want To Help Make AQ3D a Safe & Friendly Game?

Our in-game moderators, bug hunters, and testers are amazing... and more, they all started as members of our player community! They joined our corps of contributors* to make the game and community better for everyone. Starting today, we're looking for a few good heroes to join the game moderation team. If you like helping people + are an experienced AQ3D community member, read on!

Who are the Game Mods and what do they do?

  • Game moderators are the heroes you see with the red name
  • They read and take action on in-game reports
  • They help keep the game safe for everyone by muting or banning players who break the rules

We're looking for heroes who are...

  • Fair, honest, and willing to ask for and accept guidance and input
  • Eager to serve and improve the community
  • Able to communicate in written English at a conversational level (or better)
  • Comfortable interacting with a diverse, multicultural team
  • Discreet, and respect the importance of personal information + account privacy

Here are a few things you should know before you apply:

  • You must be at least 18 years old to apply and participate.
  • You must provide a valid email address when signing up so we can contact you
  • If accepted, you'll be given a new AQ3D account to use while moderating. 

We are especially looking for moderators that speak languages besides English, with an emphasis on Tagalog, Portuguese, Indonesian, and Spanish. Not bilingual? Don't worry; that won't impact the review! 

How to Apply

Applications are now closed and being reviewed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

We expect to begin sending out email replies to the first wave of mod candidates by mid-April.

Due to the high volume of heroes who applied to join our contributor team, we cannot respond to everyone about their application. Thank you for your interest in applying to join the AQ3D moderator team!

Reminders and FAQs

1) How will you contact me if my application is accepted? 
By email. Please make sure you can access the email attached to your AQ3D game account.

2) How many hours do I need to mod?
There is no minimum # of hours a week; we only ask that you log in and moderate regularly to keep your "active staff" status / access.  Helping AdventureQuest 3D should be viewed as an extracurricular activity, with a "hobby-level" investment of effort, not the primary focus of your time online or in the AE community. Real life obligations like school or work should always come first! 

3) Do I need a new game account + staff name?
- If you become a game mod, you'll be given a new game account to use while moderating / reviewing reports. You'll be able to continue playing normally on your current game account.
- Previously, we asked that all new team members choose a unique "AE staff name" to help maintain their privacy. But recently, we changed our policy to give team members the opportunity to keep using their current player name, as long as there are no outside issues. 

4) Do I get any rewards for moderating?
Your moderator account will get free upgrades + currency while you are actively moderating. After passing your trial period (and at various points throughout the year), your current game account will also be given bonus gifts as a way of saying "thank you!" for helping our community.

5) What if I got banned or muted in the past?
We know people make mistakes, and grow and change over time. Issues like this are looked at on a case-by-case basis, but a ban or mute won't automatically disqualify you. If you'd like to give us additional information on any account or interaction issues you think may affect your application, there is a section to include that.

6) What if my social media accounts aren't always family-friendly or polite?
Whether chatting in-game, on Discord, or making posts on social media, we ask all our team members to be courteous and respectful, and to behave as role models for the community... no matter what platform they are interacting on. We don't require any team members to use social media if they choose not to, and we ask that any personal social media accounts (aka, those not using your AE staff name) be kept separate / unlinked.

More information on all of these questions will be given during team orientation.

Dage, J6, Ghost, Tomix, Lae, and Sora (plus many more of our staff) all joined the AE team after finding the games and playing as regular members of the community... and you can, too!

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

