Dishing out the Burger Hero Winners

Beleen | Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Bun-believable talent alert! Lettuce celebrate creativity as we announce the winners of the Burger Hero Poster Contest. Time to ketchup and relish the moment!

Attention artists, adventurers, and foodies worldwide: we are thrilled to announce the winners of the Burger Hero Poster Contest! First and foremost, we want to extend our thanks to each and every one of you who participated in this crazy culinary contest. Your creativity, passion, and dedication to decadence truly shimmered and shone, just like the meat grease blob that landed on my skirt after taking a heccin big bite of a Monster Meat Burger IRL.

Ding! Fries are done – and so is the judging process! Let’s celebrate the bun-derful artistry and perfectly-cooked creativity that sizzled in every entry in the Burger Hero Poster Contest.

🥁 Drum(stick)roll please! 🍗

Meat the Grand Prize Winners 





Sato Riku


Wow wow wow wow WOW! You can really sink your teeth into these entries, huh! Figuratively, ofc, otherwise you’d probably be banned from dining at Burger Hero for attempting to eat the restaurant’s walls. 

Each Grand Prize Winner will receive 2000 Dragon Crystals, a special “Painting Purveyor” Title and Character Page Badge, and the honor of having their art featured in Burger Hero for the whole world to see as customers contemplate what dipping sauce to get with their Dricken Tendies.

Amazing work Clockwerk, Reinari, Reflet, Horoboros, Sato Riku, and Revindel! You will be contacted on Discord or Email to discuss payment compensation 🤑

Side of Fries 

Get ready to indulge in these side dishes as we reveal our runner up winners! These talented artists have seasoned our contest with their remarkable creativity and deserve an extra sprinkle of applause – and 1500 Dragon Crystals, too.








Ketchup, Mayo, and More

No burger bonanza is complete without dipping sauces – and no Artix contest is complete without our honorable mentions. Please enjoy 1000 DCs for your mouth-watering artwork!



Owe Rendar




Hilda The Grease-Witch








touch me and its over


But wait! Check out these whoppers:

The “Best Buns” Award

The “aww i wish they finished” shoutout


Cornelius Black

Siksna will receive 750 DCs and a “Best Burger Buns” Title for having the best buns, so to speak. Cornelius Black, however, receives this priceless shoutout on the Design Notes, which will hopefully encourage them to finish their artwork and share it with us on Twitter!

Alrighty heroes – join me in giving a round of applause to all our wonderful Burger Hero Poster winners, runner ups, and honorable mentions 👏 Juicy job well done, everyone!  

True Story Time and a Valuable Life Lesson

Throughout this contest, we received so many yummy entries inspired by the deliciously goodness of Burger Hero. Each artwork was a tasty testament to the boundless imagination, talent, and creativity of our amazing community!

However, amidst the buffet of savory submissions, we encountered some bad eggs. It saddens us to say that some contestants attempted to submit AI-generated art, which goes against the contest rules + the rules of real artists around the world. Fortunately, our vigilant judges possess not only keen eyes but also sophisticated tools to detect AI-generated art. 

Life lesson alert: cheating not only undermines the spirit of fair competition, but it also diminishes the value of your own achievements 😞

The greatest casualty of cheating is actually the cheater themselves. By resorting to dishonest tactics, individuals rob themselves of the opportunity for genuine growth and recognition. And, just like a perfectly crafted burger, true success stems from putting in the time, staying loyal to the recipe of honesty, and serving up your own unique style – intrinsic ingredients in any masterpiece, and a life lesson that extends beyond the confines of this contest.

Despite attempted deceit, we choose to focus on the positives instead! Because why focus on the bad when the good is so much better?! The incredible talent and creativity that flourished throughout this contest is what makes the Artix gaming community so spectacular and remarkable! Each legitimate entry is a testament to the passion and skill of our community, and for that, we are immensely grateful and cannot wait to see what else you cook up in the next contest 😋

Congratulations again to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who participated. Your artwork dished out flavor, zest, sizzle, and spice in the real world – and soon the game world, too! On behalf of everyone here at Artix Entertainment, we cannot wait to see what creative adventures await us in the near future.

Battle nom nom on,
Beleen, our wonderful judges, and the amazing AQ3D team

PS: The prizes (DCs, Titles, and/or Badges) will be delivered to our winners when this week's release launches! Posters will arrive in-game as soon as we discuss $$$ with our grand prize winners.

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