Cloak Yourself in Cosmic Attire!

Glisel | Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Cloaked in Mystery

Loremaster Hazel has made more progress in her research about the Cosmic Raiment! Journey to the highest heights of far away places as you follow Hazel’s cryptic clues.

Once you have solved the clues and brought back evidence, Hazel will be able to piece together a pattern to craft the Cosmic Cloak. With a little more sleuthing you can gather additional materials to ‘awaken’ the Cloak into a more Epic and stylish piece.


What is the Cosmic Raiment?

Loremaster Hazel has been researching a long-forgotten cosmic being that once roamed the lands of Lore. The writings she uncovered contain clues on how to unearth the remnants of this being, specifically the materials used to create its clothes and gear which Hazel calls the Cosmic Raiment. Additional special materials can be gathered to ‘awaken’ the pieces of the raiment to make them.

Cosmic Companion

Hazel awakened this Cosmic Companion during her initial expedition and seems to have created a special bond with it. If you choose, it will tag along with you and communicate your research findings back to her.

The Cosmic Companion quest pet allows you to access the Cosmic Raiment quests and quick travel back to the Loremaster’s Lodge with just a click wherever you are! And your pet will always be updated with the release of each new piece.

Last Chance!

  • Frostval Collection, Gift’thulu, and related seasonal activities will leave around the end of January, 2024
  • Gaz’s Last Chance Shop closes on January 31st, 2024.


Thank you and… Next!

We’ve been working on the new player experience and we look forward to releasing a new introduction following Death's Lair next week.

See you in game and…
Battle On!

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