Reassuring Our Players & Community

Beleen | Friday, May 19, 2023

Addressing concerns raised in a recent video regarding a hacker

Hi players! Beleen here, and I want to address some concerns raised in a recent video that might have left some of you feeling worried or anxious. Everyone at Artix understands how unsettling it can be to see videos depicting potential breaches, “hacks,” or vulnerabilities in a game that you enjoy playing. Rest assured, we’re happy to provide clarity and reassure you that AQ3D remains secure and enjoyable for all players.

Firstly, our lead programmer Zhoom wants to emphasize that the video in question showcases client-side modifications. For non-programmers out there like me, this means the “hacks” were solely limited to the player's own computer, so they did not extend to our game servers or compromise any player data. 

While the video might have portrayed changes that affect what all players see in the game, it is important to note that these “hacks” are only shown to the individual player doing the “hacking.” The interactions with other players and the overall game remain unaffected, with everything reacting as it should, based on each player's true progress and abilities.

In case you’re new here, it’s worth mentioning that Artix Entertainment always takes hacking attempts very seriously. We have implemented measures to track and identify players engaging in speed hacking, botting, or any other malicious activities. 

“But Beleen,” I hear some say, “if Artix has bot detection... then why didn’t your bot detection, well, DETECT this bot?” This is a VERY good question for somebody who doesn’t think Java is a type of coffee, so I will have Zhoom answer this next week once we finish up all our feverish Friday antics!   

Besides coffee and adorable plushies, the protection of your data and the integrity of our game are the top two most important things to us! We continually work to improve our security measures so that we can always stay vigilant against any potential threats. Including coffee thieves… 👀

As always, we are so appreciative of your support, understanding, and patience. We hope this post has settled any concerns you may have had about potential hackers or the game’s security. If you still have doubts, please reach out to our customer support team, or feel free to ask any questions you may have on our AQ3D Twitter or on the Artix Discord AQ3D-forums channel!    

Always looking out for you,
Beleen, Blaze, Zhoom, Artix, and the AQ3D Team

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