Heroes Heart Day!

Glisel | Monday, February 10, 2020

Move over Valentine!

'Tis the week to celebrate your love... of adventure! It's Heroes Heart Day and for this Valentines themed release we are celebrating with new emotes, items & quests which are in-game now. Go to town and talk to the snazzy looking fellow with the lute on the bridge named Maurice.

Blow Kiss Emote

New Emotes!

Blow a kiss.... of death? Because while this is cute, you know it is going to be used as an evil taunt. Oh internet >_<

New Sitting Emotes

Not gonna take this sitting down!

But if you are going to sit down... you now have two options. Sit cross legged or upon your knees like an expert swordman-- with your weapon at the ready.

Maurice the Minstel

Talk to Maurice

He's a Minstrel of Love. He has come to Battleon to inspire the heart of every hero! "Toss a DC to your wi...." Talk to him on the bridge to get the new daily quests and the 2020 Heroes Heart collection (including a new effect potion, pets, and a travel form)

Heroes Heart Day Collection 2020

2020 Heroes Heart Collection

AdventureQuest 3D artists Darkon, Winnie, and Dage broke out the pink and red to design this new Collection. 

The Rose Lord armor set by Darkon is for those valiant heroes who fight in the name of love.

  • Rose Lord Armor
  • Rose Lord Blade
  • Rose Lord Shoulders
  • Rose Lord Helm
  • Rose Lord Eye Patch
  • Rose Lord Cape
  • Rose Lord Boots
  • Rose Lord Gloves
  • Rose Lord Belt

Winnie designed these Heartfelt and Heartbroken armors, with weapons and the Lute for Lovers from Dage.

  • Heartfelt Suit
  • Heartfelt Cape
  • Heartfelt Hat
  • Heartfelt Boots
  • Heartfelt Gloves
  • Heartfelt Belt
  • Heartfelt Cane
  • Heartbroken Suit
  • Heartbroken Top Hat
  • Heartbroken Boots
  • Heartbroken Gloves
  • Heartbroken Belt
  • Heartbroken Cane
  • Lute for Lovers

The Heartbroken set and both Canes can be bought individually for gold.

Snuggle Moglin

Also included in the collection are the most cute cuddly looking Cuddly Moglin (which is so adorable that we made it into a pet and a travel form) and this Beloved Vampragon pet in heartwarming pink tones.

  • Cuddly Moglin
  • Cuddly Moglin Suit (Travel Form)
  • Beloved Vampragon

Hearts Heart Day Quest Rewards

Daily Quests

If you're looking for love, or to simply make new friends, the "Spread the Love" daily quests will take you all around one of the districts of Battleon to meet some very special NPCs (Non Player Characters). You will earn 10 Lovely Hearts per quest which can be used to purchase any one of the 4 colors of robes and boots.

Reminder.... Valentines Day is Friday! O_O

We are celebrating Heroes Heart day all week. But if you have "that special someone" in the real world, then heads up-- Valentines day is Friday! Thankfully, the team reminded me so that I would not end up on the couch this weekend, and am passing this wisdom onto you! In need of a last minute gift? >_> Or maybe some company? Either way, we recommend Moglins from HeroMart.com XD

Bonus Story

Long time super player M. Boss sent a letter to the lab along with a package filled to the brim with pink unicorn Valentines day cards. We love his letters. But what he does not know... is yesterday, my 3 year old daughter started writing on them and surprise delivering them to members of the team :D

Happy Heroes Heart Day!

Next week... Breaking Benjamin Battle Concert!

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