Summer of Battling On!: Invasion from the Deep Part 2 TL;DR
| Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Greetings, Heroes of Lore! TL;DR for this week’s update: The full Design Notes will be available today—stay tuned!
- Summer War Conclusion: Deep Grotto:
- New Level 50 Dungeon.
- 3 New Bosses.
- Tons of new items with stats.
- A new pet.
- Speak to Yulgar in Heroes Cove to get common rarity starter gear for the dungeon.
- New Summer Collection:
- Speak to Anette to purchase the new summer collection.
- New Summer Housing Collection:
- Bring Heroes Cove home! (And make it your home!)
- A collection featuring many assets from Heroes Cove
- Misc Changes:
- The Defender sets from Battleon Siege are no longer statted, however. If you’ve obtained statted versions you will be able to keep them.
- Atlantis Raid no longer requires queueing.
Battle on,
Clarion, Artix, the AdventureQuest 3D Team