Your Inventory is Sorted!

Glisel | Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Faster, Smoother, Better

We are excited to bring you a faster, smoother, better way to sort through your item inventories. Your inventories are looking a little cleaner after this update with new filters, sorting options, and an updated UI. This update affects your Main or Bag Inventory, your Bank Vault inventory, and your hotkey bar’s Usable Items inventory.

Your Bag/Main Inventory

At the top of the inventory you can now see how many items you have in total (including items that do not take up Bag slots, like pets and travel forms – this is called Inventory – and how many items are in your Bag slots out of the maximum Bag slot limit (seen as XXX / YYY).

Also, Item Category buttons have been condensed into general categories and are now a gold color. Most Categories have additional Filters and Sorting options. For example, the category Weapons can be filtered to only show Melee, Ranged, or Pistol type weapons, and it can also be sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z, by Newest items, or by Power level.

Bank Vault Sorting

Bank Vaults now include an All Vaults option for searching through the entire inventory of your vaults at once! Also, just like the Main Inventory, Vaults can be filtered into subcategories and sorted.

Also, items which are transferred to and from the bank will be considered ‘new’ to the destination vault/inventory, placing them at the top when sorting by ‘New’. This allows you to rearrange your items in your bank vaults and your inventory and prevents items from going out of sight when transferring them.

By the way!

Limited Time Only

Expand your bank space with discounted Bank Vaults and access them on the go with moglin Bank Pets. These adorable moglin Bank Pets allow you to access your bank vaults from wherever you are with just a pat on their head (or back; they are clickable wherever really). Talk to Hedwig Hootenheim, the Bank Manager, to pick out your Bank Pet.

Bank Vaults are discounted to only 750 DCs and Bank Pets are discounted to 1500 DCs! This sale only lasts until the end of November, so hurry!

Hotkey Bar Sorting!

Gone are the days of scrolling to the very bottom of the Usable Items list to add the items you just bought to your Hotkey bar. The Usable Items can be quickly sorted by New, A-Z, or even filtered by category for the specific item type you need. Now you can equip your items on the fly. This is especially useful for restocking Health Potions in the middle of combat or equipping that stack of consumable buffs you forgot you needed.

This Isn’t the End

This is only the first pass at inventory updates. We are working on bringing additional (more complex) functionality like ‘Drag and Drop’, a highly requested feature by you the players. Let us know on social media what else you would like to see to improve the Inventory experience!

Last Chance!

  • Camp Gonnagetcha is closing and Dottie is leaving Battleon at the end of November. Join your friends around the campfire to defeat Shrade a few more times before saying goodbye to him and all of the camp counselors until next Friday the 13th!
  • Bank Vault and Bank Pet discounts end around Wed, November 29th, 2023.

Thank you and… Next!

Next week is Thanksgiving in the United States! We’re doing another small release next week so the team can focus on spending time with their families.

See you in game and…
Battle On!

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