January Promo 2024: Frosty Torrent Rune Blade

Glisel | Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Frosty Torrent Rune Blade

The erratic movements of a winter storm, a torrent frozen in progress.

The Frosty Torrent Rune Blade weapon is included with all packages from the Upgrade Shop, including Guardian and Lore Strider. Guardian packages also give the Molten Rune Blade weapon. Check your inventory on your next login after purchase.

Note: Purchases from the Upgrade Shop in January prior to this update on January 3rd, 2024, are no longer retroactively awarded these items.

What if I'm already a Guardian?

Great! When you buy any package, you will get both versions of the Frosty Torrent Rune Blade directly added to your inventory.

If you miss the promotional period, Guardians can still get the Molten Rune Blade. Head to the Guardian Tower to talk to Fortes. He has a shop for "Special Guardian Rewards" where you can buy the Molten Rune Blade and any other special Guardian items released through these monthly promotions with Guardian Class Tokens. Make sure you have completed the Guardian Initiation to unlock class gear.

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