NEW Legion Pinatas and Nulgath 3A Bonus Content

Glisel | Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Legion Summoner

You have pledged your undying loyalty to the Legion... but this is not enough. You must constantly strive to hone your skills in battle. The Legion Summoner is in Battleon to teach you to summon combatants to spar against and hone your skills. Summon combatants for you and your Legion allies to spar against with Legion Summoning Runes and reward your successes with tokens of honor and prestige.

This works just like the Gifting Runes, Fools Gift, Fire Starters, and other summoning monsters we’ve released. Legion Summoning Runes summon a monster for you and your friends to fight. Greater Legion Summoning Runes summons a monster that summons more monsters for a more worthy fight. The loot dropped from either of these “pinatas” can be a random item from the plethora of Legion Pinata items, but you will always get Legion Soul Remnant tokens which can be used to purchase the specific item you want from the Legion Summoner.

Legion Reward Shops

The Legion Summoner has two shops: Legion Remnant Shop and Legion Battle Rewards.
Both shops contain all of the possible items that can be dropped from the summoned monsters, as well as the Legion Summoning Runes and Greater Legion Summoning Runes. All of the items in the Remnants shop, except the Runes, can be purchased with Legion Soul Remnant tokens. All of the items in the Battle Rewards shop can be purchased with Dragon Crystals.

Legion Rewards

  • Legion Rogue Armor
  • Legion Rogue Hood
  • Legion Rogue Hood with Skull
  • Legion Rogue Belt
  • Legion Rogue Boots
  • Legion Rogue Gloves
  • Legion Rogue Cape
  • Legion Rogue Dagger
  • Legion Rogue Dark Dagger
  • Legion Rogue Shoulder
  • Legion Deathcaller Dual Skull Pauldrons
  • Legion Runed Blade (Weapon)
  • Legion Stabbers (Weapon)
  • Legion Death Shiver Scythe (Weapon)
  • Legion Skull Scepter (Weapon)
  • Legion Dricken (Pet)
  • Legion Dricken Travel Form (Drop only)
  • Legion Dricken with Daggers (Pet)
  • Legion Dricken with Daggers Travel Form (Drop only)

Nulgath 3A: Bonus Content

When you have completed the latest Nulgath Saga story content (3A), head back to the Wasteland and the Oversoul to earn new rewards and powerful upgrades. Plus, some new perks have been added to older content.

Lionfang Paladin Gear Upgrades

Below the Portal to the Oversoul in the Wasteland await Paladins Ryker and Everett. They are ready to assist you with, not only new Lionfang Paladin gear, but also, power upgrades to that gear.

World Bosses: Errant Voids of Nulgath

New foes roam the Oversoul and the Wastelands. They are called Errant Voids of Nulgath. Skew will make you a Dark Deal to hunt these Errant Voids, but they are tough and won’t cross your path often. Make sure you’re ready to make this dark deal.

Thok and Sir Fainal are patrolling the Wastelands with allied Warriors and Guardians, and they have brought spare Phoenix Warrior equipment for those who need it. Thok will also make you a sweeter deal for hunting the Errant Voids and provide assistance while on his quest.

Skew’s Quest Pets

Are you looking for more power? Well Skew offers you a dangerous quest with the promise of the 8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath Quest Pet as a reward.

If you already own the Phoenix Blade of Nulgath, you might see a sentient version hanging around the portal to the Oversoul. If you completed the Tainted Phoenix Runes quest from Skew's Where Do I Start? quest line, you should talk to that Phoenix Blade and ask what that’s about. Maybe it’ll join you on your quests??

Note: The Skew Quest Pet has been updated with even more quests, and the “A Lucky Deal” quest (wherever you find it) has been updated to include monsters from the Oversoul as well.

Last Chance

  • Grenwog event content leaves May 3rd, 2023
  • Returning April Fool’s Day event content leaves May 3rd, 2023 (Burger Hero and Pizzamancer are permanent)
  • Legion Summoner leaves Battleon on May 10th, 2023

Thank you and… Next!

The Knights of the Iron Bulwark will be called upon for another quest soon. Suit up with Aranthor in Yulgar’s Inn to prepare for the call.

See you in game and…
Battle On!

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