May Beleen: Ready. Set. Glow!

Glisel | Monday, May 1, 2023

Cue the confetti – or maybe sound the alarms – because:
🎊 Beleen is on the AQ3D team! 🎊

I had an amaaaaazing conversation with Artix and Alina a couple days ago about working even more with the AE team. There’s a lot of exciting things happening behind the scenes, so Artix asked me if I wanted to be more involved with AQ3D – so of course I literally leapt at the opportunity before feverishly typing this post. For real: Artix himself agreed to my blinding pink glory being splayed all over the Design Notes AND in the world of Lore too! No longer will I be just a guest writer (which I certainly hope to do more of!), but I’ll also be taking on a more involved role within the gaming community that I love soooo much <3

Seriously: the majority of my adult life has been spent working with the AE team and playing alongside gamers like you. It’s wild to think that I started working at Artix… *actively counting fingers, before promptly running out of digits*… 14 years ago! Besides making myself feel really really old, I am really REALLY excited to be working next to AE legends like Zhoom, Yergen, and Dage, and also getting to work with new teammates who haven’t yet experienced my passion, positivity, and punctuation!!!

So! No matter if this is a ‘hooray’ or ‘mayday’ moment for you, rest assured that you’ll be seeing a lot more of me. Tehehehe… or mwahaha >:D

xoxo, Beleen

PS: Clueless about this post’s title?
Prolly the case if you don’t plaster makeup on your face as often as I do. Maybelline is my favorite mascara + the month of May + my name = prime opportunity to unleash my pun prowess.

PPS: Clueless about who Beleen is?
Well, a long long time ago, in a world when everybody had flip phones and Facebook was only for college students, I was hired as the game writer for AdventureQuest Worlds. My first quest was to work with Cysero, Artix, J6, Nulgath, and Zhoom on the First Lord of Chaos saga. It was a BIG deal. Some of my fondest and most nostalgic memories were of the Hydra battle before figuring out the intricacies of the Lord Escherion boss fight. Ooohh the mathematically-bending memories! Ever since then, I helped write tons of content for the Chaos Lord storylines (in addition to A LOT of silly stuff too *cough* derp *cough* taco day *cough cough*) before taking on some super fun community management roles for the Artix community. Heck, I even won GameSkinny’s Dragon Slayer Awards for Community Manager of the Year in 2014! What an honor! Needless to say, I am exceptionally excited to be working with the AQ3D team and cannot wait to continue our quests of adventure alongside all of you once more.

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Scribble Scribe

