Trick or Keep! Mogloween Trove

Glisel | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Create your very own Mogloween Trove!

Now your Mogloween treats can take up no inventory space at all with our first ever "Mogloween Trove!"

This new feature is available to everyone. Collect all of this year's Mogloween drops & crafts and turn them in to Mayor McPumpkins.  Also earn a title and an interactive pumpkin pet that gives you year round access to the items!

Mayor McPumpkins

Talk to Mayor McPumpkin to start filling your trove!

What is a Trove?

Do you remember the "free collection" we released during the Breaking Benjamin battle concert? Players quested to add items to this free collection. It gave them permanent year round access to the items without taking up any inventory or bank space. We are now calling this a Trove. (Think "Treasure Trove.") A Trove is different from the seasonal collections you buy with DCs. Doing the quests to earn your trove will also give you a special title and an interactive pet which opens up your trove so you can get the items wherever you are!

  • "Trick or Keep Title" Title & Badge
  • uWu Pumpkin Pet (Tapping on it opens your trove)

Note: You earn the pet early in the quest line which gives you immediate access to any of the items you've turned in. If you don't complete the quests, you can continue them next Mogloween.

What's in the Mogloween Trove?

  • Pumpkin Staff (weapon)
  • Sword of Candycornia (weapon)
  • Candy Apple Mace (weapon)
  • Arachnarette's armor set
  • Iron Bat Armor set
  • Hurlbat (weapon)
  • Dark Ghoulish Gourd Head (helm)
  • All of the Skelesuits (armor)
  • Dark Ghoulish Gourd Bobber (fishing bobber)
  • Grave Raider (weapon)
  • Grave Raider and Shield (weapon)
  • Pumpkin and Dagger (weapon)
  • Deluxe Wolf Man Mask (helm)
  • Friendly Raven (back)
  • Spirit of Mystcroft (bow)

HEROMART's Mogloween shop is up!

Bring the spirit of Mogloween home....

  • BountyHunter Armor sublimated shirt
  • DragonSlayer Armor sublimated shirt
  • Mogloween Enchanted Cauldron Myx shirt

Check out

Tower of Necromancy Sneak Peek

Tower of Necromancy (Coming next!)

There are many who believe that this release is cursed for real... not unlike the discovery of King Tut's tomb, or the set of The Crow.  But at long last, the 13 floors of the Tower of Necromancy are scheduled to release next week. It was originally a single-player experience, but we painstakingly rebuilt it to be a multiplayer experience. Along the way we introduced new features that you will be happy to see used more widely across the game. Also, you will note, there is a lot of extra room in the tower for future "expansions".

Guilds Coming

Guilds in Development

If you have been watching our "Game Plan" then you may already know that we are getting closer to releasing the 1st phase of guilds. It is nice seeing that guild chat tab. In this pic, you can see us in the upcoming Werewolf Coliseum (the next part of Darkovia) testing guild chat.

New Title Screen

Update-able Title Screen!

Thank you to everyone who suggested that we do this. The login screen is now Mogloween themed :D

Happy Mogloween!

Thank you for being a part of AdventureQuest 3D and our online video game community. We hope you are having fun and excited for the upcoming areas and features. Also, we have Mogloween events happening across our other games too. The Flash Plugin is going poof this year, so we created a new Artix Games Launcher which lets you download and play the games... forever O_O.

Battle on!
Artix, Glisel & the AdventureQuest 3D Team

Artix Games Launcher

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