Monday Game Dev update!

Artix Krieger | Monday, July 1, 2019

Let's catch up!

*Korin runs into the room* No. Korin... I said "catch up", not "Ketchup."

Arcangrove Release Schedule

The map and cutscenes need to cook a bit longer before we can take Arcangrove out of the oven. So this week, the team is releasing a teaser of Arcangrove forest for everyone to play. This will give you something to do until the entire Saga is released next week. This is a main storyline saga.

Berserker coming to PTR

After this post, I am meeting with Rabblefroth to see the new Berserker class. It is scheduled to go up on the PTR this week for balancing. Would love your help.

New Hires

The AdventureQuest 3D is growing. We have hired 2 new animators and 1 new programmer for AdventureQuest 3D. This is in addition to our newest team member, Dagger, who joined the team to help build maps.

Needless to say, these strategic hires are aimed at increasing the speed at which we can release high quality sagas in AdventureQuest 3D.

Moglins Shipping

Our secret underground lab (the game studio) is FILLED with Moglins. A truck brought 27,000 of the cute little fellas here last week and we are currently in the middle of an all-out shipping frenzy. You can read details on the latest Moglin Kickstarter Update Post.

IdleQuest - New Game!

IdleQuest is a brand new clicker game that was coded by Ortiel, the creator of Cookie Clicker, and features character and art from the Artix team. You can play this new game right now using the Artix Games Launcher 2.0. The game launcher allows you to play all of our web based games... and pretty much future-proofs them.

Game Plan Update

I have been keeping the AdventureQuest 3D Game Plan up to date for you. Two new interesting things popped up on there... first is the upgrade to 64-bit so we are compliant with the upcoming Android update. That is another one of those horrifyingly large overhauls. Second, which is less scary and far more intriguing... is the Live Event Phase II has been aimed at musical guests. More on this coming soon.

Screenshot Saturday Winners

The winners of the previous Screenshot Saturday are as follows. They already received their rewards 2 weeks ago... so, they probably already knew :D

@akziih on Twitter (IGN: akz)

1) @racerx420_aq3d on Twitter (IGN: racerx420)
2) @jokitrash on Twitter (IGN: LFox)
3) @shunjouaq3d on Twitter (IGN: shunjou)
4) @wolvevigilant on Twitter (IGN: WolvevigilantBr)
5) @leun_rm on Twitter (IGN: az_leun)

Summer Sale Extended + Epic Whoopsie

Our Summer Sale where you can get 50% more DragonCrystals ended last night at Midnight. Then, during the team meeting today we decided we should extend the sale until after this week's 4th of July weekend. We did it last year too.

But we did not realize that the coding team had already took down the sale. So When we re-activated it, we needed to apply the bonus to anyone who bought between midnight and when we reactivated it. But there was an error in the query... setting their DragonCrystals to a very low, very wrong amount. /facepalm It was pretty embarrassing. Apologies to to hundred-ish players effected by this. We fixed this by taking the last backup, re-applying their purchase, adding the intended bonus, then adding the max amount of DCs you would have gotten from treasure chests to put you where you should be. So, as of this post everyone should have the proper amount. Just thought you would enjoy the back story.

Glisel is now doing design notes too!

Wait, have you met Glisel? Maybe you have seen her on one of Korin's live streams. She is new-ish too. As of last week, she is helping write the design notes. Both here and on Please do give her a warm welcome.

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

