$10 Kickstarter Package!

Cysero | Wednesday, December 9, 2015

New Backer Rewards And More!

By popular request, we have added Kickstarter backer package below the $25 Guardian package. Introducing the $10 Hero Starter Pack!

AQ3D Kickstarter $10 Package

As you can see in the image above, if you become an AQ3D Backer at this new level, you get:

  1. An Exclusive Kickstarter Sword (this will also unlock a sword in AQWorlds, AQ Classic and DragonFable. The appearance of these swords will vary from game to game).

  2. An Exclusive Kickstarter Cape (this will also unlock a back item in AQWorlds and DragonFable and an armor with cape in AQ Classic. The appearance of these back items will vary from game to game).

  3. A Larger Backpack (expanded inventory in AQ3D, exact amount to be announced).

  4. Starter Potions Pack (a assortment of consumable potions with various effects in AQ3D, exact amount to be announced).

  5. Kickstarter Backer character page badge on AQ3D character Page.

  6. Kickstarter Title for your character in AQ3D.

More Design-A-Weapon Packages!

We have also added a few more of the SOLD OUT $500 Design-A-Weapon package! Considering that they have sold out twice now, we would love to add a ton more but we have to consider the workload of adding these items and the time it will take working with each backer to make their custom item. 

$500 Kickstarter Package

We added another 10 yesterday but there are already only 8 left. If you want one of the final few, you'd better get it quick. 


If you're already a backer then you know that you get everything at your backer level AND everything in every backer package that came before it. 

EXAMPLE: If you're pledge $500 for the Design-A-Weapon Package, you also get everything that comes at the $120, $60, $50, $25, $10 and $1 backer levels. 

This INCLUDES the new $10 package. Everyone who has already backed us at the $25 Guardian level or higher will also get everything in the new $10 package.

We could have made it a $10 add-on but we're not trying to milk you guys. We need the funding to make AQ3D but we also want you to feel like you're getting a deal for your pledge, so we included this package for everyone who has already backed us and anyone who pledges $10 or more from now on. We hope that this added a little sugar on top of your existing pledges.  

A Helping Hand

In other Kickstarter news, Blacksea Odyssey has hit their funding goal!


This is a game made by another group of local indie developers from Orlando, about an hour's drive from the AE Secret Underground Lab. Peter Milko created the very popular Panda Hoodie sold in HeroMart and when he asked us for a little coverage to help them hit their funding goal for their game project, we were happy to give some shout-outs and increase awareness of Blacksea Odyssey. 

The are now 100% funded (104% actually), Steam Greenlit and ready to go.

It may seem weird that we were drawing your attention to a different Kickstarter when the AQ3D Kickstater is so important to us and not yet funded. I'm proud that our community is about more than just AE, but also helping other indie game developers bring their visions to you. Some of you helped make that happen for those guys and I think you should be proud too. 

Kickstarter Questions

We are currently (at the time of me typing this) 77% funded with 1,705 backers having pledged an astounding $154,710 toward our goal of $200,000. 

AQ3D Kickstarter

Here are some answers to common questions that I've seen...

Can I pledge after AQ3D hits its goal?
Yes. Once we hit our goal, we will keep going until the timer runs out. You can pledge or increase your pledge amount at any time until until the deadline on January 1st. 

What happens if you go over $200,000? 
At that point, you guys start unlocking things called "stretch goals". These are items from AQ3D's wish list that wouldn't be covered by the minimum $200,000 that we need. More funding means more stuff for the game. 

What happens if you don't hit the goal? 
Nothing. Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing system. If we fall even ONE dollar short of our goal, then none of the backers get charged and we get nothing for AQ3D. Obviously, none of the Kickstarter backer rewards would happen and it would also be bad news for AQ3D. Without the funding to make the game the way that we need to, it will still probably come out but it would be a shadow of what it could be. Release dates get pushed way back. Less functionality would be added. Releases would be smaller and less frequent. It would be the difference between a castle and a hut...They both provide shelter but one is larger, more fun and vastly superior.

We have come really far in a very short amount of time but we're not out out of the woods yet. The showing of AE community support so far has blown us away. I cannot express how grateful we are that you guys believe in AQ3D as much as we do. 

If you can't become a backer, then please spread the word! Tell a friend. Share a link. Retweet. If you have any questions about the Kickstarter or the newly added packages, please ask them in the comments below and I'll try and answer them! 




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