Legion vs Paladin: NEW Quest and Rewards!

Glisel | Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Assault isn't over yet!

Defeat your opponents' officers and earn new weapon rewards in this week's update to the Legion vs Golden Order Assault event! Dage created an enormous stash of items his birthday collection and event so we decided to add some extras to the event map. The new weapon rewards have a small chance to drop when you kill an Officer in the assault.

Defeat the Officers!

Pick up the newest quest from Deadeye or Paladin Rhys Oathborne to defeat all three of your opponent's officers. Your reward is 1 Boss Medallion and 10 Assault Tokens, plus a small chance to get a shiny new weapon as loot.

Golden Order Paladin Officers

  • Lieutenant Shatterstar
  • Siegemaster Rhea
  • Armorsmith Balor

Legion Officers

  • Lieutenant Dreadshadow
  • Siegemaster Grimlock
  • Armorsmith Henlock


New Loot Drops!

Earn one of the two new weapons for each side of the assault when you kill an officer of your opponent's side, either Paladin and Legion.


  • Legion Dread Rune Sword
  • Legion Dread Rune Sword and Shield

Golden Order

  • Lionfang Regiment Sword
  • Lionfang Regiment Sword and Shield


See you on the battlefield!

Battle on!

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

