A New Start!

Glisel | Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Smoothing Out the Wrinkles!

Hello Hero!
It’s time that AdventureQuest 3D’s early game got a refresh. The game has changed a lot over the years, mostly in the newer maps and late game story lines; so, alongside the regular content releases, we’re steadily working on making the game’s progression feel more intentional and smooth.

And so, we must begin at the beginning. The tutorial.

We actually really like how the current tutorial in Death’s Lair feels, and our fancy data charts prove that most new players like this too. However, after that, it’s clear that players weren’t keen on the Void attack on Dragon Watch. So, we will be removing that map (after this live playtest) and use a new approach that is more reflective of the general gameplay and tone of the AQ3D.

Taking place right after leaving Death’s Lair, you will enter a brand new map to learn more of the gameplay basics. Encounter various NPCs who are more than happy to help a new hero learn how to build the skills they need to be successful before moving on to the city of Battleon.

So, get ready to view the game through a newb’s eyes and help us playtest the tutorial live!

Talk to Twilly in Battleon to join the new map and play through the same quest line that new players will experience as we teach you to switch classes, use travel forms, and more! Then please fill out the feedback survey from Twilly when you complete the questline so we can make adjustments for the final version.

New Drops!

The monsters in this new area have a chance to drop an assortment of new cosmetic items perfect for starting a new adventure.

Gold Boost!

Enjoy a week of 2x bonus gold on all monster kills and quests!

Last Chance!

New Promo Item releases on Thursday, February 1st, 2024, so if you haven’t gotten the Frosty Torrent Rune Blade from the Upgrade Shop, now is the time!

Thank you and… Next!

February 1st brings a new promo item to the Upgrade Shop, and next week we celebrate the Lunar New Year!

See you in game and…
Battle On!

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Pun-slinging Paladin

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Undead Legion Ruler


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