The Legacy of Nulgath

Glisel | Wednesday, January 10, 2024

New Quests and Rewards!

Continue to enjoy the Nulgath Finale with more side-quests, rewards, and improved gameplay experience. Talk to Oblivion in Battleon to dive back into the OverSoul! Nulgath-themed Quest Pets received some updates, many with new quests, so talk yours today to start earning new rewards!

The Chest Shop has also gained two new items this week, and Stryche is in the Scholar District with the latest calendar rewards!

Side-Quests and Quest Pets

Hire Quests (Servants of Nulgath quest pets)

You can now ‘hire’ Servants of Nulgath to serve you directly! These quests aren’t designed to be the most difficult but they are still rewarding to complete! Each Servant is earnable through gameplay and comes with their own exclusive quests that will have you exploring all levels of the OverSoul. You hire these Servants from Malakai, where else, at the Throne of Nulgath.

Combat Style Quests

The Oblivion Blade of Nulgath now offers an array of Combat Style quests. These quests let you choose a unique combination of weapons to dual wield and master, tailored to your own preferred combat style. You must own the weapons you want to wield and, remember, the reward is only a cosmetic representation of your mastery.

Nation Loyalty Quests

Skew has off-loaded his “Nation Loyalty” quests to Oblivion. Continue or begin your journey toward becoming a loyal follower of Nulgath with these quests.

Juggernaut Items

Juggernaut Items are the best that the Nulgath Nation currently has to offer, which means they are also the most sought after and difficult to obtain. Only the most dedicated follower of Nulgath should attempt to obtain them. But with great sacrifice comes great reward.

Hanzo Void

3 new Reward Quests have been added to Hanzo Blademaster NPC, and some new quests and updates have been made to Hanzo Quest Pet.
Hint: Some of the new Hanzo weapon rewards are required for Combat Style quests, so take a look at the rewards before you start.

Oblivion’s Quest Pet Sale!

The Oblivion's Archfiend's Servants Artifacts shop is having a sale on Quest Pets. Save 25% when you buy a quest pet from this shop until January 24th, 2024. Oblivion has also added two new Travel Forms that will appeal to you followers of Nulgath, the Dread Fiend and Infernal Fiend travel forms. Find Oblivion in Battleon or the OverSoul to peruse his wares today!

Improved Experience

Many side-quests and dungeons in the Nulgath Finale maps have been adjusted for better gameplay experiences, including new rewards, greater availability of some crafting materials, renamed quests for clarity and consistency, and additional quests on Quest Giver NPCs. The most affected areas and NPCs are the Shadow Dungeon (Prison) with dozens of new drops, Oblivion Blade of Nulgath quest pet, Nulgath’s Larvae quest pet, and Crag and Bamboozle quest pets.

A Special Message from Sir Fainal, our Nulgath Farming Designer

Hello Nation followers,
I wanted to let you know that I’m going to be hosting a small Feedback Forum thread discussion on our official Discord server, AE Official. In said thread you can drop your constructive feedback. If something is too strong, too profitable, not profitable enough, etc. All in exclusive regards to Nulgath Farming, that is. Balance numbers may be adjusted, and rewards tweaked depending on feedback.

To find it go into the AE official Discord, find the AQ3D-discussion. Just above #AQ3D-Yulgar you will use the forums. Join to leave your feedback. Remember to be courteous and follow our discord rules while doing so, all constructive feedback and suggestions are welcome, as long they are balanced.

Daily Chest Shop Additions

If you haven’t reached the Nulgath Finale yet, you can still get some cool rewards this week in the Chest Shop! Two new spears have been added to the Daily Chests and Chest Shop: the Foreboding Shadow Spear (red) and the Phantom Shadow Spear (blue). Use your Treasure Shards to buy them outright or try your luck when you open your Daily Chest!

2024 Calendar HeroMart Rewards

Talk to Stryche in the Scholar District to get your hands on the new 2024 calendar items.

You can use your HeroPoints to get the pieces of the Chrono ShadowHunter Collection from the HeroPoints Rewards shop.

If you bought the 2024 calendar from HeroMart, use the code that came with your calendar delivery to unlock the 2024 Chronomancer Collection, which includes both the Chrono ShadowHunter and Chrono ShadowSlayer Collections. You can always access this collection through Stryche or at the Bank through Hootenheim, the bank manager.


Last Chance!

  • Gold Boost ends at midnight EST on January 10th, 2024!
  • Frostval Collection, Gift’thulu, and related seasonal activities will leave around the end of January, 2024
  • Gaz’s Last Chance Shop closes on January 31st, 2024.


Thank you and… Next!

Loremaster Hazel is ready to share the next step in her research with you! Follow where the clues lead you to discover the next piece of the Cosmic Raiment.

See you in game and…
Battle On!

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