Pulsarion Travel Form & Pets added to Breaking Benjamin Concert!

Glisel | Thursday, May 21, 2020

Pulsarian Travel Form and 2 Pets added!

By popular player request, the OTHER titan travel form and 2 pets based on the titans are now available from the Breaking Benjamin Battle Concert happening now in AdventureQuest 3D.

Extended Breaking Benjamin Battle Concert

We are so grateful to Breaking Benjamin for being in game. It was extra cool that the band allowed us to do this extended encore for all the concert fans out there looking for a way to catch a show.

Earn the Pulsarian Travel Form & 2 Pets

The battle concert is free. All of the items in this event come from monster drops and crafting. Bryce Platinum has quests where you can build a free collection of ALL the items from the event. Once you have completed the collection, you will then be able to craft the travel forms and then the pets of the titans.

Pulsarian Travel form and Pet

How long do we have!?

No worries. You have plenty of time to get all of the items... even if you are joining us in AdventureQuest 3D for the first time. The extended concert will be available during the summer alongside the new areas we will be releasing. We will give you a heads up at least a week before this special event ends.

Vane Burns down Battleon

New Secret Command! /Join OldBattleOn

Do you remember when the VoidKing and his minions burned our previous Town of Battleon to the ground? We defended it to the last board. Then proved what we were really made of by rebuilding the town. We rebuilt that little town into a city! But a lot of long time players miss that old town. Did you know they used make up and play party games like Hide-and-Seek, Fort Hunters, and Infected there? There were plenty of tall bushes, high walls, and pillars to hide behind or jump on top of to stay out of reach. We miss it too. Quench thy thirst for nostalgia! Just type /join OldBattleon into chat to go to there. Use the travel shard in your inventory to get back to current town when you are done.  The old town of Battleon exists in a pocket dimension with no people, and the doors to the shops strangely do not open. But the grounds are yours to play on!



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