PvP Interview with Zhoom & Rabblefroth

Artix Krieger | Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Hiya everyone! Artix here... and I invited Zhoom and & Rabblefroth in to talk about... PvP!

Artix: Hiya guys!

Zhoom: Hi!

Rabblefroth: Hello... (in some sort of a hollow cowboy zombie voice)

Artix: So... what's up with PvP?

Zhoom: Alright, so the current state is... We launched it for Guardians and our intention is to allow free players in next. Before that, we need to get the cheat detection in place. That will happen immediately. Right after we open it for everyone. Aside from that, we're sorta getting our players invested in early game play. So we're trying to get to a stable state of PvP right now... We're thinking of coming up with a gamemode without substantially adding new game features That part we still need to figure out.

Rabblefroth:  And I'll probably be talking with the content team to sort that out.

Artix: Also, players have been asking about things like... Potion cool down and class balancing. What can we expect for those features?

Rabblefroth: Most of the balance stuff will have to wait until we have a real game mode in place. Most of what exists currently is for bug testing and stability... And the general viability of PvP combat. Overall, it seems pretty good! When we have a mode that is more in line with where we want to take it, that is when we will look closer at class balancing.

Artix: Great... And the potions? XD

Rabblefroth: ...

Rabblefroth: Off the record.. Is that...

Rabblefroth: ...

Rabblefroth: Are you typing this?

Artix: ...

Rabblefroth: ...Anyways... Is that something people are still asking about?

Artix: Yes! A lot of people think the long times makes them less viable for PvE (player vs everything).

Rabblefroth: ...

Zhoom: ...

Rabblefroth: I think we can bring it down... But not to the level it used to be. We want to try to move away from potion spamming and more towards team play.

Artix: That... Is awesome! Does that mean that there will be more skill diversity in the upcoming classes?

Rabblefroth: The way they are going now, I think so.

Zhoom: Right now Guardian and Paladin are the only ones that have support skills.

Rabblefroth: We have not put healer on our timeline, but given the amount of requests I have been receiving, it would be a good idea for a purely support class.

Artix: Fantastic! OK... I am going to say those two magical words...

Rabblefroth: ...

Zhoom: ... *starts laughing*

Artix: BATTLE... ROYALE...!!

Rabblefroth: *starts laughing too*

Zhoom: Game plan!

Zhoom: What we are doing right now is focusing on the early game play. We're switching gears to make sure the gameplay is flawless for new users and, therefore, fixing the core gameplay for all players. Right after we reach our target in a few months, we are switching back to PvP and developing more game modes.

Zhoom: I have gotten at least 5 different game mode requests including Battle Royale.

Artix: That... Was the best answer. Thanks for cluing us in! Is there anything you would like the players to know before we wrap up?

*moment of deep introspective thinking*

Zhoom: I want the players to know about the game plan, which I have not clearly mentioned before.

Artix: Uh, I wrote a design notes post on it yesterday... and I made a metaphor out of our 10K race on Saturday. But I did not mention anything about how badly you needed to go to the bathroom during that race.

Zhoom: O_O

Zhoom: I was more proud of the bathroom achievement than the 10K.

Artix: ...

Zhoom: That was my first time porta-potty achievement.

Artix: ...

Artix: Thank you both for your time.


P.S. Going to be a late night at the lab. Thought I would have time to catch up on comments (I did read through the ones on yesterday's post on my phone this morning.) but will be going back through the older posts later this week.

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