Sandbox Contest Winners Announced

Beleen | Thursday, April 18, 2024

🥁 Drumroll, please! The Sandbox Screenshot Contest winners have been revealed… and the creativity seen here knows no bounds. Over 25,000 Dragon Crystals have been awarded to our wonderful winners! 

Hold onto your helms, heroes, because the moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! After an epic journey filled with boundless creativity and jaw-dropping submissions – over 200, in fact! – it is time to announce the winners of our first ever Sandbox Screenshot Contest!

Grand Prize Winners

We received so many spectacular entries that we had to add THREE additional categories! Each Grand Prize Winner will receive 2000 Dragon Crystals and the title “Sandbox Supreme.” Congratulations to all our Grand Prize Winners, and thank you all so much for legitimately blowing our minds!

Most Creative House Design, Interior: Acaulescent

Let's give a resplendent round of applause to Acaulescent for their masterpiece, "Pazuzu's Lair" on the Red Dragon Server! Prepare to be spellbound by the Lair’s mystical allure, intricate details, and more skulls than the Undead Legion probably has in their possession.

Most Creative House Design, Exterior: Cyrxx

Journey to Cyrxx’s cozy creation, the “Elysian Conclave” on the Blue Dragon Server! This looks like the perfect place to relax after a hard day of battling bosses (in game, and maybe IRL too). But hey, what’s that tower doing up there? Cyrxx assures, “It’s just floating there… MENACINGLY!” 


Best Item Creation: Save 

Raise your swords in salute to Save for their ingenious inventions: a helicopter made out of sofas, a legit Legion car created from couches, and ntm an awesome beach house! Take a trip to “Paradise Beach Modern House” on the Red Dragon Server to soak in some sun while checking out Save’s superior skills! 


Most Challenging Parkour Course: Sean 

Brace yourselves for not one, not two, but THREE heart-pounding parkour courses created by fellow player – and possible madman – Sean. Visit “Sean's Parkour Trials” and “Mountain of Pain (Parkour Map)” on the Red Dragon Server to embark on adrenaline-fueled adventures that will push your skills… and sanity… to the absolute limit! For the faint of heart, feel free to watch Sean complete his insane courses here, here, and here.


Most Realistic Replication: touch me and its over 

This. Is. AMAZING! touch me and its over recreated the IRL Secret Underground Lab in game! So no matter where you are in the world, you can now visit the Artix Entertainment headquarters by visiting “Artix Entertainment Lab” on the Red Dragon Server. Fantastic work and astute attention to detail, touch me and its over!  


Most Likely To Get Us Sued For Copyright Infringement: Veq

Our fellow player and exceedingly apparent Pokemon enthusiast Veq created a fantastic “Pokemon Island” on the Red Dragon Server! The level of fun and dedication to detail is Super Effective! Those Pokemon were made from… get this… JELLY BEANS. Can you believe it?! Seems like jelly beans are the real Rare Candies here, huh :p Nintendon’t sue us, please! Tehehehe 🤭


Second Place Winners

We wish we could have awarded everyone with the Grand Prize, but that would defeat the point of a contest, huh? So let’s give a round of applause and 1000 DCs to our super 2nd Place Winners who really wowed the judges with their creativity!

“Sin City” on the Red Dragon Server

Sky Pirate
“Ship of Sky Pirate” on the Red Dragon Server

Loki Monster
“Jotunhiem” on the Blue Dragon Server

“Shangri La” on the Red Dragon Server

“Wedding Hotel” on the Red Dragon Server 

Legion Car on display in “Chad Chateau,” but it must be marked as private because we can’t find it! 


Third Place Winners

Golly, how are y’all SO talented?! Our terrific 3rd Place Winners each get 500 DCs!

“Enchanted Japanese House” on Red Dragon

“The Coven” on Red Dragon

“Hobbiton Valley” on Red Dragon

“Dragon Rider's [DRACV] • Guild Hall •” on Red Dragon

“Legionnaire Castle” on Red Dragon

The Creator
“The Green Temple” on Red Dragon

Guardian ArtYuni
“×Ravine×” on Red Dragon

Lotilucia (name changed to Pereshati)
“Holmeswood Manor” but it’s marked private

“Thousand Decays” on Red Dragon


Runner Ups

A chorus of cheers – and 250 DCs – goes to our amazing runner ups for their honorable housing homages!
























Lyon Lionheart


- Shyzue Rosario -



Ty-Lia McWizardly











Roller Coaster Rock Star 

It’s not just our players that rocked Lore with their incredible creations – AQ3D team members joined in on the fun, too! Rockstar Jongaar created an AdventureQuest Amusement Park, complete with a roller coaster, bumper cars, ferris wheel, drop tower, pirate ship, restaurants, and a castle fit for Cinderella herself if she pledged allegiance to the Undead Legion. 

It’s crazy to think that Jongaar is building even more as you read this! Visit “WIP Adventure Theme Park” on the Red Dragon Server to check out this insane amusement park, crafted by a true Roller Coaster Tycoon 🎢🤘


Spectacular Sandbox Sculpture Submissions

The AdventureQuest 3D team is bursting with pride as we congratulate all the winners of our Sandbox Screenshot Contest! We handed out over 25,000 Dragon Crystals, too 🤑 Even if you didn’t win a prize this time, rest assured your construction creativity and dedication to design have truly made this contest a monumental success! This goes without saying, but we cannot wait to see your creations as we continue adding more House items (and housing features?!) in game.

And this also goes without saying, but ofc more Sandbox Screenshot contests will absolutely arrive in the near future! So even if you didn’t – or couldn’t – enter this time, there will be plenty of other opportunities to show off and showcase your sandbox sculptures. Stay tuned to the Design Notes as we continue to explore the endless possibilities of creativity in AdventureQuest 3D. 

Congratulations again to all our winners and participants, and until next time…

Battle on, builders!
Beleen, our judges, and the AQ3D team

PS. I just added all the winners to the AQ3D Facebook page in case you wanted to see all the screenshots super sized 🤩

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