Sandsea Saga Part 2: Just Deserts

Glisel | Tuesday, April 6, 2021

New Story release & level cap raised to 33!

The level cap has been raised to 33 and we just released the biggest area in the world. Explore the vast desert of Sandsea with it's new monsters and many mysteries.  Even the VoidKing and his minions have taken an interest in this place. Journey to the Sandea town of Bastion to continue your adventure.

The Sandsea Saga continues

You’re starting to grow on the half-croc General Gaspar, but you haven’t won his trust yet! With Gaspar’s guards still recovering after doing battle with you, he needs someone to head out into the desert to solve problems affecting Bastion. There is a missing delivery, a missing person, invading foes, and who knows what else... you'll find out on your way to level 33!


Meet Skiffmaster Squint

You want that magic lamp? The only way you're going to get it is to take a sand skiff out to the pyramids. That's where Skiffmaster Squint comes in. He's the luckiest skipper in the Sandsea. Well, he was until his first mate ran off with his lucky compass. Retrieve the compass and the kid, and he'll get you safely to the pyramids.


the main story returns

The main story returns! You have competition for the magic lamp.

NEW! Side Quests and NPC shops

Revisit NPCs for additional side quests and new shops

  • Gaspar wants to bring a smile to the faces of the children of Bastion. Care to help him out?
  • Nigel Fuzzybum hasn't forgotten that you were supposed to clean the graffiti from the statues...
  • Hot Plate has opened his food shop! Bring him some ingredients and he'll cook up some powerful meals.
  • Simmi-Tar is now selling weapons for cold hard gold coins, but he'll also whip up something fancy for some Bastion Bucks and bits of monsters you killed in the desert.
  • Also... If you enjoy learning history and lore, Nigel Fuzzybum knows of some lost Sandsea scrolls that may have a clue to your quest for the magic lamp.

The Sandsea Desert

The new Sandsea desert is the largest area in AdventureQuest!

Last Chance

We will be removing Mogloween/Mystcroft and Talk Like a Pirate Day seasonal content with next week's release to make room for upcoming seasonal releases.

Beware Sandsharks

Thank you & coming next...

Beware the Sandsharks! We hope you love this new (bigger, better, longer) release in AdventureQuest 3D. The healer class is coming soon (it is going up for testing shortly). So is Dage's birthday event, and the continuation of his saga where we will encounter the "assassin" Zhoom, the eternal Sekt, ride the Sandskiff, and step inside those treasure filled pyramids.

Dinner's over... ready for DESERT!

Battle on!
Artix, Glisel, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team

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