The Archivist Part 2

Clarion | Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Archivist Part 2

In an ongoing effort to change the experience and smooth over earlier portions of the game, we’ve added a second part to the Archivist questline which will reward the player with a level 34 headpiece item. Head on over to Arcangrove’s Library to begin the Archivist questline

Changes to Sanrick

Sir Sanrick’s loop has had some changes made to it. We’ve increased the gold income from the quest and the map you fight Sanrick in now automatically closes after his defeat. Beyond that we’ve also added some new rewards to Sanrick. 2 new statues and a title join the roster of items you can earn from the speedy Knight. Additionally, we’ve increased the stats on the Scared Wind Helmet and Pauldrons.

New Promo: Dragon Sparking Bolt Bows

We’ve got two promo items for January. First, is the Sparking Bolt Bow, to get this shiny bow, just purchase any package in the upgrade shop, now with 50% extra Dragon Crystals on select packages. For those that have one of the Guardian upgrade packages, you will also get the Titanium Celebratory Bow at no additional cost.

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Clarion, Artix, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team


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