Weathering the Storm: Hurricane Idalia

Beleen | Tuesday, August 29, 2023

As the expected Category 3 Hurricane Idalia nears Florida, Artix Entertainment prepares for the storm. The safety of our team members and their families come first.

Dearest heroes, I hope this message finds you safe and well, no matter where you are in the world. Right now, Hurricane Idalia expected to become a category 3 and make landfall in Florida. Mother Nature has a way of reminding us of her power -- way more powerful than a Level 85 Akriloth! We are committed to working on AdventureQuest 3D and delivering you fun new releases.

However, I must be upfront with you: the impact of this hurricane has created unforeseen delays in our game release schedule. Please understand that this decision doesn't come lightly. We are no strangers to delays caused by technical hurdles – but when it comes to Mother Nature’s wrath, where she can easily knock out power, internet, and water for days, we sadly cannot rely on our programmers’ prowess to make things all better. 

Too all of our friends in Florida and Georgia, please take care of yourselves and your loved ones. 

Most of the AdventureQuest 3D team lives in the Tampa Bay Area of Florida. Artix asked team members in Florida to prioritize the safety of their families, friends, and neighbors.  It is very likely that there will still be power outages and other disruptions. In all fairness, the power company here tends to lose power when someone sneezes too hard. Our game servers are not hosted in Florida and should be online and functional, even if some of our team is not.

Gaming has always been about connecting people, and now, more than ever, we feel the strength and love of our gaming community. Artix Entertainment is grateful for your unwavering support through all times – the good, the bad, and the laggy – and we look forward to sharing our newest game release with you when the skies clear once more.

On behalf of everyone here at Artix Entertainment, thank you for being an integral part of our journey. Stay safe, stay strong, and stay tuned as we continue to monitor the hurricane situation. We'll keep you updated on any changes to our release plans. Rest assured, we'll be back on track as soon as conditions permit.

Battle on!
Beleen and the Artix Entertainment team 

PS: Don’t ‘fur’get about the Screenshot Saturday: Furtography Contest! Read the full contest details here

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