Today's release doesn't have anything new for you to do but here are the changes that have been made to the pre-beta in version 0.0.61
Jimmy the Eye has ventured out into Greenguard North! (testing NPC vs NPC/Monster functionality. Could mean a lot of things including aggressive monsters attacking neutral monsters while hunting for food, aggressive monsters attacking other aggressive monsters defending their path or even NPCs helping you kill aggressive monsters that attack you while chatting.)
Neutral Mobs (monsters that will only attack you when attacked but will leave you alone otherwise).
Player Auto-facing enemy while in combat (no more casting fireballs over your shoulder or through your own chest to reach your target).
Player will now move into combat range when using a single-target combat ability
Larger Hit Boxes for larger mobs.
Attack reach of some mobs has been adjusted
Bridge Skeleton and Big Bones General have had their stats adjusted
Target will now be automatically deselected when out of range
Miscellaneous fixes related to targeting and the new auto-move functionality
General Stability Improvements
FIX: Runestones in Greenguard are visible again
We rely on you testers to help us find bugs and report them to but some of them we already know about. Here are some of the more commonly reported ones
Lighting issues in certain spots (flickering, turning red, blue, black, all of the above)
There are issues with quest progress saving; players have reported losing progress in their quests; we are still in the process of investigating the issue.
There may be texture issues which appear when using the Shadow Detail slider. This can be fixed by equipping a different item to refresh.
Trees in Greenguard North will periodically break, making them unclickable; we are investigating this issue.
Switching maps while zoomed in on an NPC breaks the camera
With the updated combat animations, there will be times where the animations don’t “blend” perfectly; we are still in the process of working on these!
Have fun with AQ3D Pre-Beta 0.0.61
In other areas, Kraken continues to work on the STEAM builds, now working on both PC and Mac and the new quality options have a noticeable positive effect on lower end mobile devices (which is the point, so yay). Korin and the team are reworking the run animation and its looking a lot better. Artix and Yergen and I have been working on building out player experiences and experimenting with different cutscene methods. Finally, Artix, Dage, Yergen and Circa have been working on revamping the UI and are fast approaching a new UI that will be close to the final product.
Every day we are making unbelievable progress toward our goal. On a personal note, it feel great. We've got a solid goal and everything is building toward the goal instead of away from it.
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Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe