Emote Voting Time
Cysero - Monday, January 18, 2016

Emote Voting Time!

We've narrowed your emote suggestions down and now it's time to vote for your favorites!  

Pre-BETA Launches Early
Artix Krieger - Thursday, January 14, 2016

PRE-BETA Launches early!

Surprise! PRE-BETA launches a day early. Kickstarter backers with EARLY ACCESS and players who have supported previous Artix Entertainment video games are welcome to join in this exciting new phase of testing. *Points up* The play button is…

Lighting Update Pre-Beta
Cysero - Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Lighting Update (Pre-Beta)

Check out some of the changes that you'll see as Pre-Beta progresses! 

Server maintenance until Pre-Beta!
Artix Krieger - Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Server maintenance until Pre-Beta!

The AdventureQuest 3D testing servers will be offline until Friday when we start PRE-BETA!

Last weekend for Alpha Testing!
Artix Krieger - Friday, January 8, 2016

Last weekend for Alpha Testing!

AdventureQuest 3D Alpha Testers... party like it is the last weekend of Alpha Testing. Because... it is! Next Stop, PRE-BETA! Your Alpha Knight gear will be waiting for you when the servers come back up. Read more.

How do you make a VIDEO GAME
Cysero - Friday, January 8, 2016

How do you make a VIDEO GAME?

A lot of people ask me how to make a video game, so I decided to sit down and tell you all about it...

The AQ3D Kickstarter Survey
Cysero - Thursday, January 7, 2016

The AQ3D Kickstarter Survey

Everything you need to know about the Kickstarter Survey Form! 

Early Steam Build
Cysero - Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Getting a Head Start on STEAM!

Check out this video I made showing off an early version of the Steam version of AQ3D.

Suggest an Emote
Cysero - Monday, January 4, 2016

What Emote Do YOU want?

The time has come for you to tell us what kind of emotes you want to see in AQ3D! 

Kickstarter Complete, Happy New Year!
Cysero - Friday, January 1, 2016

200% FUNDED! Congratulations!

The AQ3D Kickstarter campaign just concluded at over 200% of our goal. Here's some info on what happens next and when to expect it! 

Cysero - Monday, December 28, 2015

This is Your Last Chance!

There are only 3 days left to become an AQ3D Kickstarter backer! 

Happy Holidays 2015
Artix Krieger - Friday, December 25, 2015

Seasons Greetings!

Thinking warm and happy thoughts of you. Wherever you are, have an epic adventure today! - All of your friends here at the Artix Entertainment Lab.

Update Change Log
Cysero - Monday, December 21, 2015

What changed in today's BIG Update?

It was our first release in months and it was a pretty big one, thought you won't be able to notice a lot of the changes without checking out the change log! 

Kickstarter Expansion
Cysero - Monday, December 21, 2015

Kickstart thru Paypal and Stretch Goal Update!

We have opened up more than 500 new payment options for you to become a Kickstarter backer and AQ3D founder! Plus, we just broke another Stretch Goal! 


AQ3D was Greenlit on Steam
Cysero - Tuesday, December 15, 2015

AQ3D was Greenlit on Steam

Yesterday we were approved by Steam Greenlight! Here is what that means...

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Follow the AQ3D Team for the latest updates and news!

AdventureQuest 3D

Official Twitter of AQ3D

Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

