- 9/30/2015
Artix Krieger
Warlic's Magic Shop
Warlic is a mage. His mysterious origins and unique magical gifts make even the least intelligent townfolks wonder why.... why would he be here in this small town. His Magic Shop is full of wonder, and horrifically dangerous artifacts of un…

- 9/25/2015
Artix Krieger
Weekend AdventureQuest 3D Update!
This weekend update post is specially written for @RedBlueSky21 who nudged me on Twitter a few moments ago so I would not forget before I ran out of time today... give him a cheer and read on about Character Pages, Full screen, Zhoom, and t…

- 9/23/2015
Artix Krieger
Round 3! Combat Animations
Korin animates the AdventureQuest 3D characters whlie wearing a brown paper bag over his head.... he also just sent me some really cool things that I would like to talk about.

- 9/22/2015
Artix Krieger
Cutscenes in AdventureQuest 3D
Extreme interactive storytelling requires characters with depth, a dynamic world, and stunning fixed moments in time. How the heck are we going to do this O_O. Perhaps you should click though and read this one. (Painting by Dage)

- 9/17/2015
Greenguard Mysterious Corridors Revealed!
Hi there everyone! Llussion here writing his first post on AQ3D and I'm very excited about it, because now I can show sneak peeks of new things coming. I'm going to start off today with concept art for two more areas to Greenguard.

- 9/16/2015
Artix Krieger
I have big plans for Yulgar's Inn. When I played pen & pencil D&D, Inns and Taverns were an amazing experience... you talked to interesting characters, fights broke out, strange things happened, and your most incredible adventures began. Cl…

- 9/13/2015
Artix Krieger
Artix's DragonCon 2015 Report
We attended DragonCon 2015 and hosted an official panel on all of the new Artix Entertainment video games... read more to find out what happened!

- 9/10/2015
Artix Krieger
Slattery Dragon Logo!
New logo! Same great taste. Yergen and Dage combined powers to conjure this splattery dragony-goodness filled AdventureQuest 3D logo. Doth thou like as much as we do?

- 9/4/2015
AQ3D is going green... GreenGuard that is!
AQ3D has gone through a green overhaul. GreenGuard North, new NPC's, New Effects, and more await you.

- 8/28/2015
Conning is a hard job but somebody has to do it. Here's my Survival Guide for any new con attendees.

- 8/25/2015
Artix Krieger
New Greenguard and Animations coming!
SWISH! POP! STICK! COMBO! We are taking combat animations to a whole new level! Talking about levels, Greenguard Forest just got a redesign and should be ready for you to play next week.

- 8/22/2015
Artix Krieger
New Video Games
Three new video games launching this year...AdventureQuest 3D, BioBeasts, and Undead Assault! See them all and watch "The Farce Awakens" teaser trailer.

- 8/21/2015
Artix Krieger
Trapping the Undead Terror
In an Alpha Test we battle just as many bugs as monsters! Zhoom coded some simple AI into monsters to prevent... giant evil undead skeletal bosses from being lured into tree branches by clever, clever players. It is in testing now and shoul…

- 8/19/2015
Artix Krieger
Dage Armor
Dage & Thyton have been painting a storm of new armors and items. Meanwhile the team has been toying around with the Oculus Rift. Click the link title for my hyper rant of all the things going on this week in AQ3D!