The Oracle Class is here!
Clarion - 6/12/2024

The Oracle Class is here!

Oracles are formidable beings who bend fate to their will. Master cosmic forces while weaving destiny and devastating attacks. Embrace the arcane as an Oracle Class! 

Quest for the Cosmic Countenance
Clarion - 6/5/2024

Quest for the Cosmic Countenance

Claim the Cosmic Helm, reclaim lost gear in Ashfall, check out the Ducky Helm + House item, and team up for our Co-Op Sandbox Contest!

Housing Improvements
Clarion - 5/29/2024

Housing Improvements

Introducing Multi-build function for housing, simplifying home deeds & slots, and increasing house item limits by 1000 per house! Guardians get +1000 house item limit bonus. Plus, 200% bonus XP & Class XP boosts for everyone!

Quest for the Azurecrest Lance
Clarion - 5/22/2024

Quest for the Azurecrest Lance

The legendary Bob-O has arrived in Lolosia, and not everyone is happy about this…

Spring into Celebration
Clarion - 5/15/2024

Spring into Celebration

Celebrate Spring in AdventureQuest 3D by heading to Yulgar’s Inn and speaking to Serenity.

Quest of the Cosmic Raiment Continues
Clarion - 5/8/2024

Quest of the Cosmic Raiment Continues

The quest for the Cosmic Raiment marches on! Seek Loremaster Hazel and become one step closer to claiming the elusive Cosmic Boots in this week’s release.

May the Fourth & Revenge of the Fifth
Clarion - 5/2/2024

May the Fourth & Revenge of the Fifth

Get your gauntlets on Star Sabers, the Galactic Outrider set, and the formidable Xith and Dark Xith armor sets! Read on for more.

The Wandering Light
Clarion - 4/24/2024

The Wandering Light

Assist Lady Phimion in her quest to extinguish a cult lurking under Battleon

A Plea From the Woods
Clarion - 4/17/2024

A Plea From the Woods

Travel to the Heartwood Grotto where the Voice of the Forest needs your help.

Dive into the Void
Clarion - 4/12/2024

Dive into the Void

Join the Voiddivers and confront the Void menace threatening the freedom of Lore’s citizens. Enlist today!

A Place to Call Home
Clarion - 3/21/2024

A Place to Call Home

The highly anticipated Player Housing feature is here! 

That Belongs in a Museum!
Clarion - 3/13/2024

That Belongs in a Museum!

It's the Grand Opening of the Battleon Museum! But this ain't your standard normal boring museum whatsoever. Read on for the fun!

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