The Sentinels of Arcangrove are mage knights who protect the Tower of Sorcery.
Here is a sneak peek of Dage's newest armor. You will find it in the upcoming enchanted forest of Arcangrove.
In Arcangrove's story, you will learn the secret of our world's magic. I probably should have checked with the team before saying this, but at the center of Arcangrove's story was the original main storyline of AdventureQuest 3D: Legend of Lore. Cysero has been furiously writing the narrative for weeks now. As you may know, he wrote the original Arcangrove in our 2D MMORPG, AdventureQuest Worlds. This, is a much deeper story... figuratively and literally.
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Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe