Battle Feast: New PvP Map on PTR

Glisel | Thursday, December 9, 2021

Battle Feast on PTR (Public Testing Realm)

The devs are testing the new map for Battle Arenas PvP in the PTR. Want to give your feedback before it goes live? Join the PTR now!

What is Battle Feast?

This Map takes place in a Grand Feast Hall. Delicious foods with various effects are present and the bounty zones are locked until notified. Gather food to obtain the advantage and claim the feast for your whole team!

What is PTR?

  • A secret testing server
  • For brave testers only! (It is NOT a live nor stable version of the game.)
  • Uses a temporary copy of your character-- does not effect your live game
  • New features are tested here first

How to Join PTR

You can join from your Android phone or on Steam! We wrote a post with the step-by-step process. Read it here to join the server.

You can also join the PTR Discord to discuss your feedback with the devs and other players live by clicking this link.

Battle on!

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