Doomwood - Crown of the Dead

Artix Krieger | Thursday, February 28, 2019

DoomWood - The Crown of the Dead

We have rebuilt DoomWood Forest with new art, new characters, new challenge fights, and the beginning of a new story; "The Crown of the Dead". Journey there to begin an all new adventure centered on the heroic Paladins and twisted Necromancers.

Meet Stygis the Ferryman and earn his trust. In the next installment of DoomWood, you will need his boat to reach the Isle of the Dead... home to the Tower of Necromancy.

Balderic Argent is an honorable Paladin of the light. He's guarding the only bridge to the Paladin's stronghold, Dawn's Edge Keep. Talk to him in DoomWood to begin your adventure... and learn how to become a Paladin.

Doomwood forest has been expanded with 3 new challenges fights, lots of new rewards, including a few secrets for you explorers to find, a lil' undead grass (even the grass is undead in DoomWood), and updated textures.

New Dage Collection & Quests coming NEXT WEEK!

"For the Undead Legion"! Dage's birthday is coming to AdventureQuest 3D. Which means the Undead Legion story is getting an expansion and the Dage 2019 Collection is coming.

Can't wait? Want to catch up on the story before the expansion? Vost the Chronicler is back in town. Talk to him to go to the Underworld or pick up some of last year's items.

REALLY CAN'T WAIT? Participate in our giveaway. Help spread the word by simply liking and sharing our post on Twitter, Facebook, or our new Instagram account. We will pick 3 winners from each platform... and inject a random un-released Dage 2019 Collection onto your character. (Might accidentally misclick and add an Artix Friend Scythe while I am in there, XD).

Thank you and see you in DoomWood....

Battle on!
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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

