The Dragon Archer

Glisel | Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Find Arjyn

A merchant in the Trade District, Duthos, is looking for his brother. Young Arjyn wants to join the DragonSlayers. Make sure he made it to Mount Ashfall safely.

Note: This questline is best played with Ashfall Saga 100% complete


Arjyn really wants to be a DragonSlayer... but as an Archer. The others don't seem to be taking him seriously. Help him prove that archery can be useful and sway some recruits to join him.

Archer Training

Robina is happy to help spread the joy of archery. She knows which creatures give the best branches to craft starter bows in Greenguard Forest. Then help Arjyn improve his archery skills to impress Galanoth and the DragonSlayers.

Bow Crafting

Arjyn is inspired to create more bows to entice recruits to join him. Help him figure out where to gather materials for bow strings, fletching, and arrows by teaming up with the AQ3D community to find the locations of these items.

Dragon Striker

Help Arjyn convince DragonSlayer recruits to join his group and prove their mettle against Akriloth. That should show Galanoth how useful archers can be and you'll earn the title "Dragon Striker".

The Heartseeker

As a reward for his bravery and prowess, Senna has provided Arjyn blueprints for bow improvements. It'll take quite some time to gather the necessary materials to make these improvements to all of the Striker Bows, but Arjyn is determined. For your help, you get one of the first Dragon's Heartseeker bows!

Last Chance

  • The Take on Darkon event leaves the Social District September 7th.
  • The 2022 Summer Collection leaves September 14th.

Thank you and… Next!

Next week we have another special quest for a long-requested item, followed by the September Promo Items.

See you in game...
Battle on!


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