Let the 2020 Frogzard Egg Hunt Begin!

Artix Krieger | Friday, April 10, 2020

Find those 'Zard Eggs!

Crazy ol' Hooper is back in town for the new 2020 Frogzard Egg Hunt! Earn new gear including bunny eats, tails, and an entire new armor and weapon set.


Winsg and Bunny Ears

Hunt the Eggs to get the rewards!

Ears & Tails

  • Cottontail Ears & Tail
  • Doombunny Ears & Tail
  • Pinie Ears & Tail
  • Chaotic Ears & Tail

Gunter Item Set

  • Gunter Wings
  • Gunter Armor
  • Gunter Shoulders
  • Gunter Hood
  • Hunter Belt, Gloves, and Boots
  • Grenwog Chopper (Axe)
  • Grenwog Slasher (Sword)
  • Grenwog Smasher (Hammer)


Egg Hunt

Where's Hooper!

Hooper is on the bridge in the Town of BattleOn. Well, sorta.... we ran out of room on the bridge, so he is standing "just off of the bridge" on the way to the Inn.

Artix is Festinvy Grenwogged

How do you find the eggs!?

The only clues for this challenge are the names of the eggs themselves. If you are having trouble figuring it out, ask the other players or check the player-run wiki.

Bunny Ears

The Egg hunt is a limited time seasonal event

You will only have about a week to.... *checks calendar* Wait, how long ago was Friday the 13th? And the Friday the 13th Camp is STILL open? LOL. Nevermind. You have plenty of time to hunt these eggs. We are keeping as many AdventureQuest 3D events active right now as possible to make sure you have lots of things to do.  See you in game and...

Egg Hunt on!



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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

