BOSS FIGHT! Battle the Frostlorn

Artix Krieger | Thursday, December 20, 2018

Enter the Castle... face the Frostlorn!

Yes, the one you could see in the skyline of Frostvale. But beware... *the rest of the note is torn, bitten, and shredded by giant monster teeth*

BOSS FIGHT in Frostlorn Castle

"He knows if you've been naughty or ice."
All three parts of our wintery event are now live. Explore the moglin-filled town of Frostvale, play the special events from previous years (with new items to craft and a few new drops), and at long last... enter the looming Frostlorn Castle.

2018 Frostval Collection

Get the Frostval Collection 2018

Centered around the idea of letting a Frostlorn Necromancer reanimate gingerbread cookies & toy soldiers, this collection features two 160% speed travel form, a ton of new items, special RARE badge and title, "The Sleigher". Talk to Blizzy in town to get the items separately-- or, get the ENTIRE Frostval 2018 Collection which includes permanent access to the items which frees up your inventory space and saves you over 50% (Save 7,900 DCs). This is also a great way to support AdventureQuest 3D's ongoing development and new releases.

The Collection Includes

  • Title "The Sleigher"
  • Rare Character Page Badge
  • Blizzy's Gift - 160% speed Blizzy Travel Form
  • Gingerbread Person- 160% speed Gingerbread Person Travel Form
  • Long Red Frostval Hat
  • Full item Set - Frostlorn Necromancer
  • Full item Set - Toy Soldier & horrifying head morph
  • Full item Set - Gingerbread & equally horrifying head morph
  • Frostlorn Necromancer's Frost Dragonskull staff
  • Tangled Lights Cape- wraps lights around your body
  • Wreath On Your Back
  • Wreath Chakram

Verify your Email

Might want to verify your email.... real quick like

Players with verified email addresses were just given a red Vampragon pet, the Doomhero Scythe, and also 250 more Dragon Crystals. Did you just miss out? You can verify your email in the account section of to get your reward. Please note I only write you an email once a week and just like our other games, we never, ever, give or sell your email to anyone else.

The Frostlorn

Next week new seasonal items are being added to the the Treasure Chests. Then, on New Year's Eve, we'll be running a special event to bring in the new year with a kabang! :D Hope to see you in game.

On behalf of all of us here at Artix Entertainment, we wish you & your family fun, safe, and adventure filled holidays.

Battle on!
Artix & The AdventureQuest 3D Team

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


Scribble Scribe

