Wherever you are, may your in-game and real-life adventures be fun, safe, and full of caaaaaandy!
This is one of my most favorite holidays. When I was very young, one of my greatest joys was dressing up and visiting my neighbors during EXTREME TRICK-OR-TREATING on this night. We have been doing Mogloween in our games since the original AdventureQuest. I remember being surprised to find out that many players from other countries did not know what Trick-or-Treating was. So, I am very glad it is something we have introduced to our games for everyone to enjoy-- regardless of location or age. Put on your favorite, armor, costume, or whatever you want and join in.
There is still time to get the Mogloween 2018 Collection. The mummy set was created by artist, Thyton. Also doubles as wrapping paper... for, um, yourself. O_O
Tonight, I am very grateful to be taking two new people trick-or-treating for the first time. Last year was my son's first run.... so this year, will be my 2-year old daughter's first. Also-- my wife will be joing us on this trick-or-treat outing for the first time ever. She grew up in Trinidad and has never actually gone house to house. Having the young ones as camouflage lets you trick-or-treat respectfully as adults XD
If you are heading out tonight, be sure to be safe and a keen-eyed guardian for all of those around you. Wear something reflective, bring a flash light, and be the observant ninja of your group-- always being aware of everything going on around you.
Have an awesome in-game costume? Tweet us a screenshot on my @ArtixKrieger Twitter https://twitter.com/ArtixKrieger/status/1057654775846711296at s://twitter.com/ArtixKrieger/status/1057654775846711296ttps://twitter.com/ArtixKrieger/status/1057654775846711296 s://twitter.com/ArtixKrieger/status/1057654775846711296
rieger/status/1057725435323277Candy on!
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