We have just added several brand new items to the daily login reward Treasure Chests, but some of them wonl be around forever.
These items will be leaving end of February, 2019.
These items will be leaving end of February, 2019.
These Asgardian items are permanent additions to the Treasure Chest items.
You have two full months to get any of the new seasonal items out of your Daily Login Reward Treasure Chests with a better chance at the end of 7 days and your best chance at the end of a 28 day login streak. You can also use your Treasure Shards to buy specific items in that time.
If you don't get what you want, don't sweat it. These seasonals will be returning next year and every Frostval season from here on out.
Battleon is getting ready to blow you away with an explosive end of the year party.
Because fireworks blow up. Geddit?
Around New Years Eve, the Party Sneevil will arrive in Battleon and shoot of a massive fireworks show every time you defeat him. He will also drop a number of consumable fireworks that you can shoot off or save up for your own celebration!
It'll be a ... blast.
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Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe