Live Mini-Event! Dinner at the Blue Ogre's Cave

Artix Krieger | Friday, January 25, 2019

The live events are coming! The live events are coming!

We are scheduling a few live events in where you can earn live event coins and other goodies. Here is the first one! What other times (EST if possible) would be good for you for events? We can run some events multiple times for different time zones. (I feel like we should do the Fyremancer Festival one again for example)

Dinner at the Blue Ogre's Lair

Wednesday, January 30th @ 4pm EST

Our first scheduled live mini-event will take place in the lair of the Blue Ogre. We are not sure why he is gathering us... but if the rumors are true, it might have to do with his fallen comrades. Perhaps he will tell us the story of what happened. Also, sorta hoping WE are not on the menu XD

Meet up in town just prior to the event time. Messages will be broadcasted across servers on where to go and what to do to join.

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Artix Krieger

Pun-slinging Paladin

Dage the Evil

Undead Legion Ruler


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