The Masquerade Ball is live and it's monstrously fun!

Artix | Thursday, October 28, 2021

Happening in AdventureQuest 3D now

Dress sharp, bring your friends, and ready your armaments for an unforgettable night in an abandoned vampire castle. The Phantasm of the Organ is playing, and you never know who you will encounter on the dance floor next.


  • Dancing Ghosts & dance phases
  • Summon a horrifying new secret Boss Monster (Designed by Darkon)
  • Beautifully dark new music (by Jongaar)
  • 51+ new earnable items (by Dage, Thyton, & Winnie)
  • 47 Ballroom quests
  • Ballroom reputation system
  • Tongue-in-cheek story/quests (written by Artix)
  • Secrets (for those of you who like to poke around)

A Reputable Affair

Earn the respect of ancient monstrous nobles as you raise your reputation at the ball. This party was designed as a single setting to keep you and your friends together as you battle on the dance floor.

An Evening of Quests, Rewards, and Monsters

This is a special Mogloween "farm and chill" release with 51+ incredible rewards... including a boss monster armor set that is so good, you are going to scratch your head and wonder why we did not charge DCs for it.

New stuff at HeroMart

Check out the new real-life drops at our online shop,

Happy Mogloween!

We added plenty of drops & rewards to make sure you would be well suited for the Masquerade. For even more items, and to support our weekly releases, please consider buying this year's new Mogloween collection! You can get the pieces individually, or buy the entire collection to save a ton of DragonCrystals, get the badge/title, and unlock permanent year round storage to free up bank space.

Thank you & Game Designer thoughts

This is our favorite time of the year. Thank you for spending it with us! A few weeks ago, when I asked Llussion if he could build a ballroom (it looks so beautiful), the idea was to create a place where we could hang out, farm monsters, and chill with friends. Dagger came along and added phases to the dancing. The mysterious figure playing the organ switched the dance floor up. We added a crazy number of quests and a few fun side things for you to discover. This is certainly not intended to be a single sitting event! Please do take your time and enjoy it over the next week.

The team and I really hope you and your friends enjoy this Mogloween release. We will be dropping by to dance and cause trouble with you. Look forward to seeing you there.

Battle on!
Artix, Glisel, Rellik and the AQ3D Team

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