Moglomancer is of the three new classes coming to AdventureQuest 3D soon. The artists do a pre-viz / mockup / concept for how the skills could look. These are not final, but thought you would enjoy a sneak peek of what we are thinking.
The Moglomancer class is a special class being added to the game. It was unlocked as a stretch-goal in the Moglin Kickstarter. The backers will get early access to it first. Then, all players will be able to unlock and obtain this class through daily quests.
So... we have made 27,000 physical plush Moglins. We have been keeping the backers updated on all stages of production through regular update posts. If you want to check them out, you can see the Moglin Kickstarter Update Posts here. Or, read on for a condensed summary.
Creating 27,000 physical plush Moglins was an exciting challenge. We jumped through all the legal hoops, special requirements testing (we know the exact burn rate of a plush moglin in seconds per inch), and shipping process from the factory to getting them on a boat to sea the narrow sea to us.
Our army of Moglins will hit the high seas on May 6th, beginning their voyage here to the Secret Underground Lab. Well, to be more exact... they will hit the port, go through customs, and then take a very large truck here. Then we will form a human chain of devs to transports the endless boxes of Moglins into the spaces we have cleared for them. We'll pretty much be swimming in a sea of Moglins as we at long last ship them to their rightful heroes, and new homes.
Last week, the Moglins 5K backer came to the lab for an amazing visit. You probably already know this though. He designed a special armor set for you. This armor set will be available for all players to earn through fun and simple game play. He wanted to create something awesome for you with no strings attached. He is an amazing fellow.
We have not done much in the way of conventions these past few years. We plan to use the Moglins as the perfect excuse to run booths at more conventions-- and hopefully get to see you in person.
You can read the latest update post on the Moglin Kickstarter here.
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