Patch Notes: Game Version 1.93.0

Glisel | Wednesday, October 19, 2022

AdventureQuest 3D is getting better every week!

We added new features for our 20th Anniversary of Doom update.

Version 1.93.0 Updates

  • 20th anniversary event! New maps, soundtracks, badges, custom NPC animations, and more!
  • Added support for sound effects (sfx) on NPC interactions.

Extra updates and Hot Fixes

  • Guardian Gardenia [Rowdy Rough Barbarian Boys quest] moved next to the Jobs Board.
  • Due to DC Bonus promo image remaining in Shops tab for 2 weeks - all accounts that made purchases from the Upgrade shop since Oct 3 have been given the 50% bonus DCs.
  • Free 20th Anniversary Cloak can no longer be sold for Treasure Shards. Any accounts that used the cloak for Treasure Shards had those shards removed from their account.
  • Corrected the Trove of Many Things quest line so that stories unlock at the correct time.

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