We wanted to reach out and thank you all for your valuable feedback on the game. We hear you and are exploring ways to make the game fun and rewarding to everyone. With that in mind, we've made a few changes to address topics that have caught our eye.
For starters, players can once again teleport to other players inside the Rebel Camp location. However, only players who have reached the Rebel Camp through the Sandsea storyline can enter the location.
We've also added the ability to fast travel to the Rebel Camp through Skiffmaster Squint. Talk to Squint at either of his locations to travel directly to the camp.
Additionally, we've increased the rewards to three quests in located in Bastion:
Note: These changes will be on PTR this weekend and then go live with the next game update.
As always, we want to thank everyone in this awesome community for their valuable feedback as we continue to make the game the best it can be. We’ve got exciting new content coming down the pipeline and can't wait for you to see it.
Until then...
Battle on!
- Artix, Glisel, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team
Official Twitter of AQ3D
Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe