Long time no sea... The end of The Sandsea Saga!

Glisel | Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Sandsea Saga Finale

Need a refresher on everything you've experienced in the Sandsea Saga until the finale? Watch this trailer!

The Keeper of Death awaits!

This week, it’s time to see where all the twists and turns of the labyrinthian Sandsea Saga have led to! The final chapter in the saga will see you venturing into the Keeper of Death Sanctuary to intervene in Lord Sekt’s attempt to wish for greater power! Will Skorpienne, the Keeper of Death and creator of the Lamp fulfill Lord Sekt’s wish or does she have other plans for the rapidly weakening Immortal Pharaoh of the Sandsea? And what surprises could the Voidrakar have in store? After all, Vane and his minions have been cooking up a devious plan regarding the Lamp…

What will occur in the finale? You’ll just have to play to find out!

Epic Final Battle

The end of a saga also means an epic final battle! The line between friend and foe will be blurred when the fate of the entire Sandsea is at stake. Will you and your allies be able to topple a threat of the likes you have not yet seen!

Skorpienne’s Wardrobe

We know many of you are excited to see the debut of Skorpienne, Keeper of Death. That’s why we went ahead and made her outfit available to you all! To craft her set visit Sekt in his Pyramid and he’ll send you on quests to gather the materials needed to craft Skorpienne’s Wardrobe from the repeatable boss fight. However, if repeat runs of this fight isn’t for you, we have made Skorpienne’s cosmetic set available to be bought for DC’s as well!

Zhoom’s Bow

Early in the Sandsea Saga, Zhoom gave you his bow to allow you to proceed in your quest to find the magic lamp. Zhoom’s Ancestral Bow is famed for its quality, still able to make precise shots like no other. With high Attack and Haste stats, its wielder can quickly overwhelm any monster that crosses their path! Who knows? Perhaps it will find a new owner by the end of this tale…

New Titles and Special Reward

Heroic efforts deserve equally heroic titles, right?! Show off your part in The Sandsea Saga and wear your titles with pride. You’ll receive the “Sandsea Protector” title upon completing the Saga.

Also, everyone’s favorite historian Nigel Fuzzybum has a special gift for those who have completed the Lost Sandsea Scrolls quest line: a Sandsea Scroll cosmetic weapon and the title “Dune Scroller”! Go see Nigel in Bastion and accept the quest called “A Token of Historical Appreciation” to receive your rewards.

Coming soon to AQ3D!

With the end of The Sandsea Saga, many of you may be wondering what’s next. The answer to that is… Mogloween! Keep an eye out for the spooky Cauldron named Myx who will arrive in Battleon next week to welcome you to Mystcroft and with the previous Mogloween collections. The Social District will also see a change as the Red Dragon goes into hibernation while Taculous and the rest of the Taco Day party moves in.

Down the pipeline… PVP goes live! If you haven’t been part of the testing on PTR, read this post on how to join. Also more of Sandsea awaits. A challenge version of the Finale boss fight, new Best In Stat armor set with +20 infusion, and a legendary weapon will be coming soon!

After that… A new saga...

Battle on!
Artix, Glisel, Baleerio, and the AdventureQuest 3D Team

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