Greetings, fellow heroes of Lore! 💕 Love is in the air and Heroes Heart Day is next week, so what better way to celebrate the season of romance than by capturing the essence of… epic battle scenes in AdventureQuest 3D?! They say “love is a battlefield”... and we’re putting that theory to the test! We invite all AQ3D players to showcase their creativity, passion, and perfectly-timed screenies in our Screenshot Saturday: Valentine’s Slay contest.
Submission Deadline:
How to Enter:
How to Enter on socials (optional):
Terms and Conditions:
We can't wait to see the amazing moments and screenshot stories you'll bring to life through your computer monitors and phone screens! May your screenshots be as epic as your adventures in AQ3D 🙌
Screenshot on!
Beleen, our lovely judges, and the AQ3D team
Official Twitter of AQ3D
Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe