Can you believe we've had 20 Screenshot Saturday contests already? We can't either, so to kick off this week, we thought it would be appropriate to give 20 people a shot at a treasure chest prize. The theme is Pets. Show off your wolves, Moglins, trobbles, cats, flying eyeballs, or... in case your pet has you under mind control, possibly yourself.
Post your Pet screenshot as a reply to Artix's Screenshot 20 Tweet!
Last week, 19 heroes had their shot at a Warlord's Chest... and as usual, we couldn't pick just 19 of you! Your submissions were too good! Thanks to everyone who entered!
1) @rj_weaver (IGN: Nayr Kuroitenshi)
2) @john_esrver (IGN: asphix)
3) @kinglyrx (IGN: lyrx)
4) @aemnubi (IGN: racerx420)
5) @nubscientist (IGN: Mad Scientist)
6) @warungaq3d (IGN: warung)
7) @7yd1a (IGN: 7yd1a)
8) @Zorokvillion (IGN: Zarakvillian)
9) @wrathofthanatos (IGN: thanatos necros)
10) @notausername9 (IGN: Not A Username)
11) @leun_rm (IGN: az_leun)
12) @soul86rebel (IGN: SouLRebeL1986)
13) @kilgrave_ae (IGN: Kilgrave)
14) @justicarluna (IGN: lunaceria)
15) @foxyd69 (IGN: Foxy Diamond)
16) @chad_523 (IGN: Jitt)
17) @bl00dyhell_ae (IGN: bl00dyhell)
18) @aq3dmentality (IGN: Mentality)
19) @racerx420_aq3d (IGN: racerx420)
Honorable Mentions!
- @abmalek_ (IGN: abmalek)
- @enriche1209 (IGN: Nouveau Riche)
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