The AdventureQuest 3D testing servers will be offline until Friday, 1/15/2016 when we officially start PRE-BETA!
Thank you to everyone making this possible. Our next adventure together starts Friday!
As I was writing this I got some good news! We have a working Windows 10 build at 60FPS, and also fixed a stuttering issue in Steam, which is now running at 60 FPS too! A large part of Pre-Beta will be moving the game off of the Unity3D browser plugin and showing off its true cross-platform power.
There is only one correct answer.
What was your favorite memory from Alpha? What was your most bizzare moment? ...and finally, what feature, area, platform or thing are you most looking forward to in the next phase of AdventureQuest 3D?
Official Twitter of AQ3D
Pun-slinging Paladin
Undead Legion Ruler
Scribble Scribe