AdventureQuest 3D Was Temporarily De-listed from App Store

Artix Krieger | Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Legit putting the "Cursed" in our Cursed Anniversary

Update: The game is back on all app stores.

LOL! Apparently our AdventureQuest 3D's special guest image was a little too spicy for the app store XD. The app was temporarily unlisted until our new store images are approved. We sent them in this morning, cross your fingers for a speedy reinstatement.


  • If you have the game, you can still log in and play.
  • Your account data is A-OK.
  • Only people who need to re-install or update the games are effected.
  • As soon as the game is re-approved to be listed on the store you will be able to download and upload the game.
  • We are still scheduled to release "Elvira Hosts Artix Entertainment's Cursed 20th Anniversary" special event PART II this week.


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