Friday the 13th is coming!
Beleen - 10/11/2023

Friday the 13th is coming!

Luckily for you, I have some hints on how to break unlucky superstitions, before somehow segueing into story time about AQWorlds first Friday the 13th event, and then I sort of reveal what’s happening in this Friday the 13th release!

Meet the Legendary Guild That Broke the Game!
Beleen - 10/10/2023

Meet the Legendary Guild That Broke the Game!

Over the weekend, AQ3D’s #1 ranked guild, hailed throughout Lore as the Gifted Gamerz, legitimately broke the game. Here’s the whole story of what went down. 

Epic MMORPG Shenanigans
Beleen - 8/28/2023

Epic MMORPG Shenanigans

I hosted my first Live Event ever this weekend! It was an absolute blast and an unforgettable experience! Here’s a thorough recap of what went down.

The Epic Story of the Hero
Beleen - 8/15/2023

The Epic Story of the Hero

Hey there, Hero! Today I want to dive into the world’s most epic story: yours! 

Gold Gone Wild
Beleen - 8/1/2023

Gold Gone Wild

Heroes hit a record high in Artix Entertainment history: 5 Billion Gold spent this weekend on the new Item Augment system! 

That's so Gold Raven: Exploring the World of an MMO YouTuber
Beleen - 6/20/2023

That's so Gold Raven: Exploring the World of an MMO YouTuber

This insightful interview with Gold Raven shines light on his quest to create a YouTube channel centered around AQ3D. Come join us on this journey together! 

Q&A - Unity Upgrade, 20th Anniversary, Scaling, and more!
Artix Krieger - 12/20/2022

Q&A - Unity Upgrade, 20th Anniversary, Scaling, and more!

Everything you wanted to know about the big Unity Upgrade, 20th Anniversary Event End, Scaling Fix, Level Cap Increases, and upcoming Sagas but were afraid to ask. (Note: That was an old book title reference... everyone knows you are not af…

AdventureQuest 3D Was Temporarily De-listed from App Store
Artix Krieger - 10/25/2022

AdventureQuest 3D Was Temporarily De-listed from App Store

Update: The game is back on all app stores. LOL! Apparently our AdventureQuest 3D special guest image was a little too spicy for the app store XD. The app was temporarily unlisted until the new screenshots get approved.

Due to Hurricane Ian we are doing an XP Boost!
Artix Krieger - 9/26/2022

Due to Hurricane Ian we are doing an XP Boost!

Heads up! UPDATE: Due to the incoming hurricane, we are doing a XP Boost. It is live now!

Back to the Lab Again, Yo
Artix Krieger - 8/8/2022

Back to the Lab Again, Yo

I have been gone for 9 days. O_O 9 DAYS! How about we catch up with a big post that jumps topics faster than lemmings off a cliff?

AdventureQuest 3D: Special Weekend Report!
Artix Krieger - 6/17/2022

AdventureQuest 3D: Special Weekend Report!

Hey guys! Been a crazy couple of weeks. From the great Lab Plague of 2022, a lab-wide power outage,  to Zhoom growing a goatee like Evil Spock from the mirror verse of Star Trek.... it has been a roller coaster. 

Monster Preview
Artix Krieger - 5/6/2022

Monster Preview

Sneak peek of an upcoming boss monster that our team's artists and animators are working on.

A Letter to you from Taini and Artix
Artix Krieger - 5/5/2022

A Letter to you from Taini and Artix

For the last six hours Taini Flaremist and I have been talking and co-writing this letter to you. If you're a member of our community and are aware of what has been happening the last few days, you're probably wondering why we're here toget…

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