Seems like someone left their axe out in Heartwood Forest beyond the Guardian camp. Doesn’t look like it fared well against the magical wood of Heartwood’s trees. Find the axe’s owner and begin the quest for a sturdier axe.
If anyone can make a blade powerful enough to chop through heartwood, it’s Yulgar. He needs very specific materials, though he isn’t sure exactly where to find all of them. Use your knowledge of AQ3D and/or brainstorm with the community to find what he needs.
Inspired by the hearty nature of Heartwood itself, Ludrow wants to craft the handle from materials found in the Heartwood Forest. Bring back the materials he needs to complete his new magical Wood Axe.
Complete this quest line to obtain the Wood Axe and title “Chopper”, as well as:
May 4th event content (including Treasure Chest starswords) have left until next year.
Pointeless Isle’s seasonal Summer shops and quests return as a lead up to next month’s Summer Collection.
See you in game and…
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