Where Can You Get AQ3D News?
Clarion - 9/2/2024

Where Can You Get AQ3D News?

Here is where can you find AdventureQuest 3D news at!

Guild Spotlight: The Enchanting World of Elven Guard
Beleen - 8/30/2024

Guild Spotlight: The Enchanting World of Elven Guard

We’re thrilled to kick off our Guild Spotlight series by showcasing our first AQ3D guild: Elven Guard! Their love for elves and all things magical earned them a place on our Design Notes. Read on!

Dog Day 2024
Clarion - 8/29/2024

Dog Day 2024

The dogs are let loose in the social district + a server boost!

Dog Day TL;DR
Clarion - 8/29/2024

Dog Day TL;DR

The "Too Long Didn't Read" of this week's release!

Embark to Azurecrest Island
Azurecrest Island TL;DR
Clarion - 8/22/2024

Azurecrest Island TL;DR

The "Too Long Didn't Read" of this week's release!

Update on the Fiend of Nulgath Cape
Clarion - 8/16/2024

Update on the Fiend of Nulgath Cape

A new item for those who purchased the Primal Orb of Nulgath.

Lost Armory Of Nulgath
Clarion - 8/14/2024

Lost Armory Of Nulgath

Uncover the lost Armory of Nulgath.

Lost Armory of Nulgath TL;DR
Clarion - 8/14/2024

Lost Armory of Nulgath TL;DR

The "Too Long Didn't Read" of this week's release!

Guild Spotlight Series: Celebrating the AdventureQuest Community
Beleen - 8/14/2024

Guild Spotlight Series: Celebrating the AdventureQuest Community

We’re kicking off a new initiative to highlight the amazing Guilds in our games! Share your Guild’s story and some screenshots for a chance to be featured on our Design Notes. Shine on, heroes!

August Promo: Azurecrest Cape & Shield
Beleen - 8/12/2024

August Promo: Azurecrest Cape & Shield

If you wear your heart on your sleeve... be sure to wear your shield on your back! Check out our August promo item with a bonus 50% extra Dragon Crystals on select upgrade packages. Thanks for your support! 

Cat Day 2024
Clarion - 8/8/2024

Cat Day 2024

A purrfect day for some Adventure!

Cat Day 2024 TL;DR
Clarion - 8/7/2024

Cat Day 2024 TL;DR

The "Too Long Didn't Read" of this week's release!

🚨 Last Chance! Starlight Longsword leaves this Wednesday
Beleen - 8/6/2024

🚨 Last Chance! Starlight Longsword leaves this Wednesday

Today's your last day to claim July's promo item, the Empowered Starlight Longsword. Guardian upgrades get the Starlight Longsword as an added bonus!

Announcing the Winners of the Screenshot Saturday: Starlight Edition Contest!
Beleen - 8/6/2024

Announcing the Winners of the Screenshot Saturday: Starlight Edition Contest!

Come celebrate the stellar creativity of the AQ3D community! The star-themed Screenshot Contest has come to a dazzling conclusion, and we are thrilled to announce our winners and the star-studded talent of our players.

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